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  1. Hospital bed modelling explained
  2. The gap between policy and reality surrounding NHS winter pressures
  3. The nonspecific effects of certain vaccines could alter winter mortality
  4. Influenza vaccination also affects non-influenza pathogens
  5. A model to compare international hospital bed numbers
  6. Are the effects of influenza vaccination on winter mortality more complex than anticipated?
  7. How to compare international critical care bed numbers
  8. What do the long-term trends in winter mortality reveal?
  9. The ageing population does not correctly predict the need for medical beds (Part 2)
  10. A simple method to validate medical bed number calculations
  11. The ageing population does not correctly predict need for medical beds
  12. Excess winter mortality (EWM) is influenced by multiple factors
  14. All English CCGs have very low levels of occupied hospital beds
  15. Excess winter mortality and stalling life expectancy?
  16. How many medical beds does a country need?
  17. Which US states have far too few hospital beds to cope with Covid-19?
  18. Hidden patterns in NHS sickness absence
  19. Curious patterns in hospital bed occupancy
  20. A method to compare hospital bed numbers between countries and regions
  21. NHS Strategic and operational tactical planning for the winter of 2019/20
  22. Unexplained periods of higher International deaths and outbreaks of a new disease type
  23. Will the winter of 2019/20 show unusually high health service demand?
  24. Did austerity cause increased deaths in the UK?
  25. Calendar or financial year data is unreliable for planning
  26. Have the public in the UK been misled about hospital bed numbers?
  27. Trends in deaths and unscheduled care are all behaving in peculiar ways
  28. Winter excess deaths may respond to curious on/off switching earlier in the year
  29. Volatility in end-of-life hospital demand
  30. Deaths and end-of-life workload are unequally distributed throughout the UK
  31. Nearness to death and volatile health and social care costs
  32. Why NHS pressures are going to intensify
  33. Why government austerity in the UK is probably not killing people
  34. International deaths are behaving in ways not thought to be possible
  35. All-Cause Mortality and NHS Sickness Absence Rates in England Show a Lagged Series of Step-Like Changes
  36. Hospital Beds per death (all-causes) as a simple ratio to compare bed numbers between countries
  37. Critical care bed numbers in England
  38. Will deaths in England set a new record in 2018?
  39. Deaths in 2018 in the UK are forecast to be higher than expected
  40. Clinical workload changes with the number of deaths
  41. Do hospital mortality scores contain hidden flaws?
  42. Can deaths be used to predict hospital bed numbers?
  43. Deaths in 2017 in England reached an unexpected high
  44. Unexplained increases in NHS bed occupancy in England point to an infectious source
  45. Reduced maternity length of stay leads to higher neonatal admissions
  46. Unexpected trends in hospital standardized mortality in England
  47. Is this an outbreak of the World Health Organisation's 'Disease X'?
  48. Approximate 7-day long periods of higher hospital bed occupancy
  49. Subtle changes in patient acuity is not properly reflected in the hospital mortality models
  50. Month-to-month variation in end of life healthcare workload
  51. Higher deaths and medical admissions in the UK since 2011
  52. Does Cytomegalovirus (CMV) cause unexpected immune disturbances
  53. Periods of Unexplained Higher Deaths and Medical Admissions Coexist with Changes in Staff Sickness Absence
  54. Mortality and Unscheduled Care – Are We Missing Something of Profound Importance?
  55. Where is growth occurring in NHS admissions?
  56. Acute admissions for thrombosis have decreased during a period of higher medical admissions
  57. Bed occupancy in the English NHS shows on/off switching
  58. Emergency admissions rise when deaths rise
  59. Age-specificity in medical admissions during a period of unexplained higher deaths
  60. What is causing periods of unexplained higher deaths and medical admissions?
  61. Deaths and the number of occupied acute hospital beds
  62. Seasonal variation in end-of-life health and social care work load
  63. Austerity did not cause the rise in deaths in 2015
  64. Deaths in the UK are currently at levels expected 20 years into the future
  65. Seasonal variation in deaths creates patterns in acute and social care workload
  66. Anticipated NHS demand in 2017/18
  67. Was the increase in deaths in 2015 due to austerity?
  68. Hospital deaths and all-cause mortality
  69. What is driving growth in the English NHS?
  70. Why has the winter of 2016/17 been so bad for the NHS?
  71. Closing acute beds in the Sustainability and Transformation Plans
  72. Why demographic forecasting fails to predict hospital bed numbers
  73. Has policy distorted financial forecasting in the English NHS?
  74. Fertility, stillbirth, and gender ratio change in a presumed infectious outbreak
  75. Is the hospital weekend mortality effect real?
  76. Could on/off switching in deaths be due to outbreaks of a pathogen?
  77. Curious on/off switching in deaths indicates a possible new type of infectious outbreak
  78. Step-up and step-down trends in crude death rates in English hospitals
  79. Trend in the proportion in-hospital deaths in England
  80. Using social groups to locate areas with high use of critical care
  81. Standardized hospital mortality rate is sensitive to changes in activity
  82. Deaths and the marginal changes in health care costs
  83. Trends in overnight stay admissions, length of stay and occupied bed days in England
  84. Is length of stay a risk factor in hospital death
  85. Does high bed occupancy increase hospital mortality?
  86. Does hospital standardized mortality actually measure the impact of hospital processes on mortality
  87. Why does hospital bed occupancy seemingly track all-cause mortality?
  88. Unusual trends in NHS staff sickness absence and emergency admissions
  89. A flaw in mortality-based disease surveilance
  90. Follow-up rates are beginning to increase
  91. Recurring periods of higher than expected growth in deaths and medical admissions
  92. Economy of scale in critical care
  93. Factors influencing A&E attendance and waiting times
  94. Calculating hospital bed numbers
  95. Which social groups attend A&E the most
  96. Blood biochemistry and weekend mortality in hospitals
  97. The real reason for the huge NHS overspend
  98. Small-area outbreaks of a new type of infectious agent
  99. Is there a serious flaw in hospital mortality rates?
  100. Did GP surgeries unknowingly spread an infectious outbreak in N.E. Essex
  101. Why did so many people with dementia die in 2014 and 2015?
  102. Is the ageing population the sole cause of rising emergency admissions
  103. Emergency admissions show unexplained spurts of growth
  104. Influenza-like illness and health care costs
  105. Changes in deaths are linked to changes in bed occupancy and health care costs
  106. Unexplained recurring periods of higher death in Western countries
  107. Trends in demand for urgent care
  108. Declining length of stay and future hospital bed numbers
  109. Bed occupancy, efficiency and infectious outbreaks
  110. Is length of stay a reliable efficiency measure in hospital care
  111. A&E admissions: where next?
  112. Waiting time in A&E is exhibiting tipping points
  113. Are emergency admissions contagious?
  114. Understanding growth in emergency admissions
  115. Small area behavior of emergency medical admissions and costs
  116. Forecasting medical emergency admissions
  117. Why are NHS emergency admissions and costs increasing so rapidly
  118. Unexplained increases in adult appendicitis
  119. Unexplained rise in medical admissions at a hospital in 2012
  120. Small-area spread of a new type of infectious agent
  121. Spatial spread of deaths within England and Wales
  122. Recurring periods of higher deaths in Belfast: an infectious aetiology
  123. Roles for Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in autoimmunity
  124. Small-area spread of a new type of infectious agent in Wigan (near Manchester, UK)
  125. Unexpected deaths from dementia in 2012 and 2013 in the UK
  126. High medical bed occupancy leads to cancelled elective operations
  127. Trends in admissions per death
  128. Deaths and medical admissions in Northern Ireland in 2012
  129. Financial volatility in NHS commissioning
  130. Emergency admissions per death
  131. Expected trends in births and deaths to 2037
  132. Unexpected neurological deaths in 2012 in England
  133. Trends in death and end of life costs
  134. Untangling the A&E crisis
  135. Cycles in admissions for neurological conditions
  136. Unexpected changes in outpatient referral
  137. Unexplained trends in urgent care
  138. Why are admissions for aggressive tuberculosis showing cycles?
  139. A novel infectious agent increased medical admissions in Wigan (Manchester) in 2012
  140. Single year of age specific changes in mortality rate
  141. Why are deaths and admissions for respiratory conditions increasing
  142. Unexpected increase in deaths in 2012: which conditions were affected
  143. Is excess winter mortality all it seems
  144. Do cancer costs follow cycles?
  145. Multi-morbidity and trends in elderly admissions
  146. Is the ageing population the real problem?
  147. Trends in A&E attendance
  148. The NHS England review of urgent and emergency care
  149. Hidden complexity in A&E trends
  150. Trends in unscheduled care
  151. Unexplained increase in deaths in 2012
  152. Temperature volatility and health care costs
  153. Understanding average length of stay in US hospitals
  154. Volatile childhood diagnoses and pediatric costs
  155. Financial risk and volatile elderly diagnoses
  156. Novel outbreaks of an unknown agent
  157. Why smaller maternity units have higher costs
  158. Population density and health care costs
  159. A flaw in person-based health care funding
  160. Trends in outpatient follow-up rates in England
  161. Volatile costs in GP commissioning: Insights from medicare
  162. Step-increases in GP referral to dermatology: which conditions?
  163. Financial risk in GP commissioning: the loss ratio
  164. Excess deaths in 2008/09 following admission to hospital
  165. Excess deaths following a procedure in 2008
  166. Increasing GP referrals: jump or infectious push?
  167. Age-related changes in A&E attendance
  168. Which acute specialties contribute to high financial risk in health care commissioning
  169. High risk categories and financial volatility in health care commissioning
  170. Age and volatility (financial risk) in healthcare purchasing/commissioning
  171. End of life and financial risk in health care commissioning
  172. Cancer costs and financial risk in health care purchasing/commissioning
  173. Gender-specific volatility in hospital admissions
  174. The size of a maternity unit influences the average occupancy
  175. Are hospital inpatient costs subject to unacceptable year-to-year volatility?
  176. Do outpatient costs show cyclic behavior?
  177. Financial risk in health care commissioning is very high
  178. Can fluctuations in the gender ratio shed light on health care costs
  179. Hidden patterns in trends in Ambulance call-outs
  180. Is the Health Resource Group (HRG) Tariff fit for purpose?
  181. Re-evaluating financial risk in health care commissioning
  182. Gross errors in local HRG costs create skewing in national costs
  183. Is national average a valid basis for HRG prices
  184. Short stay HRG tariff rewards over use of assessment units
  185. Emergency hospital bed occupancy shows hidden patterns of long-term volatility
  186. Death and future health care expenditure
  187. A paradigm shift for hospital bed occupancy
  188. Which English primary care organisations make lower use of acute hospital beds?
  189. Unexplained international changes in hospital bed occupancy point to a common infectious source
  190. Why the need for single room hospital accommodation?
  191. Everything you wanted to know about hospital bed occupancy but nobody would explain
  192. Emergency department performance and inpatient bed occupancy
  193. Death and the demand for hospital beds
  194. Ratio of bed days per death as a performance tool
  195. Could a virus be behind rising international health care costs?
  196. Long term conditions show cycles in gender-related costs
  197. Costs associated with admission into a Pediatric assessment unit
  198. Cycles in inpatient waiting time in the English NHS
  199. Impact of the A&E target in England
  200. Short stay HRG tariff encourages gaming
  201. Costs in emergency assessment units
  202. Recurring outbreaks of a novel disease in all parts of the UK
  203. Systematic movement in the gender ratio for hospital admissions point to a common source
  204. Which categories of health care expenditure show unexplained step-like increases
  205. Forecasting A&E attendances
  206. Are assumptions in the HRG tariff contrary to real-world cost behavior
  207. Financial risk in health care commissioning
  208. Cyclic behavior of health care activity and costs
  209. Groups of diagnoses for hospital admission show similar patterns over time
  210. Forecasting inpatient demand
  211. Forecasting year-end hospital admissions
  212. Periodic and unexpected increases in inpatient medical care
  213. Benchmarking hospital length of stay in the real world
  214. A cycle of surplus and deficit in health care costs
  215. Apparent specialty-level efficiency in English hospitals
  216. Step-increases in emergency admissions
  217. Cycles in NHS deficit/surplus reflect underlying bed occupancy
  218. Diagnoses associated with higher acute bed usage in the English NHS
  219. Hospital length of stay efficiency
  220. Building smaller hospitals
  221. Techniques for maintaining an outpatient waiting time target
  222. The capacity margin and guaranteed waiting times
  223. Emergency admissions and financial risk in commissioning
  224. Why is financial risk for primary care organisations so high?
  225. Why does the NHS repeatedly run out of beds every winter
  226. Are there recurring patterns in emergency admissions
  227. Trends in emergency admissions
  228. The market forces factor fails to capture all factors relating to hospital costs
  229. Assessing hospital efficiency with the reference cost index
  230. Efficiency comparisons using English HRGs
  231. Costing orthopedic interventions
  232. Limitations of the Healthcare Resource Group (HRG) trim-point
  233. The cost within a HRG varies enormously by specialty
  234. How the HRG tariff has increased day case costs
  235. Excess bed days in the HRG tariff create financial inbalance
  236. Reducing financial risk in health care commissioning by risk sharing
  237. Risk pools to reduce financial risk in health care commissioning
  238. Financial risk in health care commissioning is high
  239. The ionic nutrition of yeast
  240. Ethanol deactivates (switches-off) replicative functions in cells
  241. Biological principles for the effects of ethanol
  242. Permeability of membranes and other tissues to ethanol
  243. The permeability of yeast and other membranes to ethanol
  244. Ethanol increases membrane fluidity
  245. Specific and osmotic effects of ethanol on yeast fermentation
  246. Role of water activity in ethanol fermentations
  247. Ethanol has dual effects against replication and growth in yeasts
  248. Adaptation to ethanol reduces the rate of death in yeast cells
  249. Biological principles for the effects of carbon dioxide against cells
  250. Two yeasts are better than one in ethanol fermentation