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  1. Online Learning Readiness and Students' Satisfaction with their Online English Learning Experience
  2. Effect of consumer brand involvement on brand advocacy: a moderated mediation model
  3. Data governance for soundscape studies
  4. Hybrid VR and physical kiosks for soundscape design in urban planning
  5. Modeling of the COVID-19 impact on air passenger traffic in the US, European countries, and China
  6. Artificial intelligence in drug discovery: A bibliometric analysis and literature review
  7. Hybrid VR and physical kiosks for soundscape design in urban planning
  8. Intention to use green energy among Chinese adults
  9. Exploring the Metaverse: Insights from a Comprehensive Bibliometric Study
  10. Effect of Responsible Gaming Policy and Practice on Casino Gaming Behavior
  11. Training orientation, organizational support and training satisfaction
  12. Noise dynamics in city nightlife: Impact and potential solutions for residents near pubs and bars
  13. Carbon-Neutrality Research in China—Trends and Emerging Themes
  14. A bibliometric study of carbon neutrality: 2001-2022
  15. The effects of diningscape on customer satisfaction and word of mouth - 餐景
  16. mHealth and COVID-19: A Bibliometric Study
  17. Impact of difficult coworkers on employees' turnover intention: the mediating roles of POS and AC
  18. The COVID-19 impacts on air transport - a case study of Hong Kong
  19. Noise dynamics in city nightlife
  20. Smart building management system (SBMS) for commercial buildings
  21. A Bibliometric Analysis of World Issues—Social, Political, Economic, and Environmental Dimensions
  22. Profiling of Gamblers and Problem Gamblers Among Casino Patrons in Macao SAR
  23. Effects of equity, POS and job satisfaction on organizational commitment in Macao's gaming industry
  24. What influences people to click ‘like’ on posts of branded content?
  25. Economic Growth, Energy Use, and Greenhouse Gases Emission in Macao SAR, China
  26. Effects of Difficult Coworkers on Employees’ Responses in Macao’s Public Organizations
  27. Effect of customer involvement on co-creation of services
  28. Economic and Environmental Changes in Shenzhen—A Technology Hub in Southern China
  29. Green project management from employees’ perspective in HK engineering and construction sectors
  30. The economic impact of a global pandemic on the tourism economy - Macao
  31. The Effects of Difficult Co-Workers on Employee Attitudinal Responses and Intention to Leave
  32. The Effects of Job Insecurity on Employees’ Financial Well-Being and Work Satisfaction
  33. Casino employees' intention to participate in corporate community involvement activities
  34. The effects of customer involvement on co-creation, service performance and word of mouth
  35. Factors influencing internship satisfaction among Chinese students
  36. The Effect of Consumer Perceptions of the Ethics of Retailers on Purchase Behavior and Word-of-Mouth
  37. Rise in higher education researchers and academic publications
  38. Rise in higher education researchers and academic publications
  39. E-Entrepreneurial intention among young Chinese adults
  40. Sustainability assessment of an urban rail system – the case of Hong Kong
  41. What motivates Chinese young adults to use mHealth?
  42. An extended model of value-attitude-behavior to explain Chinese consumers’ green purchase behavior
  43. TAM for the intention to use advanced business application software among Chinese students
  44. An innovative approach in data collection for restaurant soundscape study
  45. Soundscape for smart tourism in Macao
  46. Soundscape for smart tourism in Macao, China
  47. An innovative approach in data collection for restaurant soundscape study
  48. China’s Maritime Economic Development (中国海洋经济 : 回顾、展望与可持续发展)
  49. Perceived importance of smart and sustainable building features from the users' perspective
  50. How quality management system components lead to improvement in service organizations
  51. Importance-performance ratings of casinos' corporate social responsibility practices
  52. Acoustics comfort in buildings in Hong Kong, Macao, and the Greater Bay Area of China
  53. Smart and sustainable building technologies
  54. Classroom soundscape—Virtual and real
  55. Computer-based course evaluation: an extended technology acceptance model
  56. GHG emissions from China's international sea freight transport
  57. Acoustic comfort in buildings in the Greater Bay Area
  58. Energy Consumption and Economic Development in Hong Kong, China
  59. The influence of the propensity to trust on mobile users' attitudes toward in-app advertisements: An extension of the theory of planned behavior
  60. A comparative study of sound environment of restaurants in Singapore, Macao, and Hong Kong
  61. Describing sonic environment of Chinese restaurants using a mathematical model
  62. Impact and control practices of bar and pub sound in densely populated cities
  63. e-Appraisal of soundscape for public squares in China
  64. Is haze a localized problem?
  65. GHG emissions from electricity consumption in Hong Kong
  66. Modeling of Monthly Residential and Commercial Electricity Consumption Using Nonlinear Seasonal Models—The Case of Hong Kong
  67. Soundscape design of an open-air concert venue using virtual reality technologies
  68. A triple bottom line analysis of Hong Kong's logistics sector
  69. Describing sonic environment of Chinese Restaurants
  70. Impact and control practices of bar and pub sound in densely populated cities
  71. Soundscape design of an open-air concert venue using virtual reality technologies
  72. Appraisal of soundscape for public squares in Hong Kong
  73. A comparative study of restaurant sonic environments in Singapore, Macao SAR, and Hong Kong SAR
  74. Effect of organizational responses to service failures on customer satisfaction
  75. Service co-creation in social media
  76. A customer-dominat logic on service recovery
  77. Urban temperature trend in Hong Kong
  78. Soundscape design using virtual reality technologies
  79. Tree MIS
  80. The growth of the tourism industry and its effect on resource consumption in Macao SAR, China
  81. Macao's tourism industry and its impact on resource consumption
  82. IT-enabled comprehensive building environmental assessment
  83. Next generation soundscape design using virtual reality technologies
  84. IT-enabled comprehensive building environmental assessment
  85. Importance-performance ratings for environmental practices
  86. Centrality of a rail system
  87. GHG from the logistics sector
  88. Dental anxiety provoking scale
  89. Restaurant noise
  90. Data analytics in China
  91. Crowdsourcing in China
  92. Customer-dominant logic - an empirical study
  93. Management commitment to internal marketing
  94. Are noise levels acceptable in Hong Kong?
  95. Cinema Cloud: An Enabling Technology for the Movie Industry
  96. Triple bottom line analysis of commercial water heating systems
  97. Mobile Banking and Payment in China
  98. Electricity consumption in Hong Kong - trend and GHG emission
  99. Association between energy use and poor visibility in Hong Kong
  100. The adoption of ISO 14001 environmental management systems in Macao SAR, China
  101. Diffusion of ISO 14001
  102. Public Engagement in EIA in Hong Kong
  103. Intent to pursue further studies
  104. Noise in restaurants
  105. Sustainable noise control system design for building ventilation systems
  106. Destination choice of cross-border Chinese students
  107. Effect of Internal Market Orientation on Organizational Performance: The Case of Macao's Gaming Industry
  108. The effect of internal information generation and dissemination on casino employee work related behaviors
  109. Cloud computing in China
  110. Team attributes and performance of operational service teams: An empirical taxonomy development
  111. Creating Green Awareness Using IT: The Case of Hong Kong
  112. Internet Diffusion in China: Economic and Social Implications
  113. The application of dynamic modelling techniques to the grid-connected PV (photovoltaic) systems
  114. How does customer motivational orientation affect satisfaction?
  115. Explore how Chinese consumers evaluate retail service quality and satisfaction
  116. The growth pattern and fuel life cycle analysis of the electricity consumption of Hong Kong
  117. RMS percent of wavelet transform for the detection of stochastic high impedance faults
  118. Quality management framework
  119. Benefits of implementing management system standards
  120. Electricity consumption and its environmental implications in two special administration regions: Hong Kong and Macao
  121. The Emergence of China in the Internet Market
  122. An influence of affluence on electricity consumption in an urban environment
  123. Effect of Fuels on Cooking Fume Emissions
  124. Fuel life cycle emissions for electricity consumption in the world’s gaming center–Macao SAR, China
  125. Recruitment and training are critical to service performance
  126. Customer involvement and perceptions
  127. Perceived value of higher education
  128. The causal relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth in a Gaming and Tourism Center: The case of Macao SAR, the People’s Republic of China
  129. ISO 9001:2000 implementation in the public sector: A survey in Macao SAR
  130. Management commitment to service quality and organizational outcomes
  131. Importance‐performance analysis for public management decision making
  132. The implementation and performance outcomes of ISO 9000 in service organizations
  133. Size distributions of the aerosols emitted from commercial cooking processes (气溶胶)
  134. Effects of control mechanisms on positive organizational change
  135. Modeling of electricity consumption in the Asian gaming and tourism center—Macao SAR, People's Republic of China
  136. Characterization of commercial clothes dryers based on energy‐efficiency analysis
  137. Emission of Carcinogenic Components from Commercial Kitchens in Hong Kong
  138. An FTIR study of the effects of artificial saliva on the physical characteristics of the glass ionomer cements used for art
  139. How balcony fronts give additional warmth to music
  140. Acoustic Barriers: Analytical Methods, Boundary Element Method and Experimental Verification
  141. A multiple regression model for urban traffic noise in Hong Kong
  143. Acoustic properties of rigid-frame porous materials — an engineering perspective
  144. Acoustical model updating
  145. Characterisation of Gas Phase Organic Emissions from Hot Cooking Oil in Commercial Kitchens
  146. The noise emitted from vehicles at roundabouts
  147. Characterisation of Gas Phase Organic Emissions from Hot Cooking Oil in Commercial Kitchens
  148. Power estimation of sound sources on low-speed electric trains using a deconvolution approach
  149. Characterization of vehicle noise in Hong Kong
  150. Eigenparameter perturbation method for structural damage detection
  151. The role of the generalized inverse in structural dynamics
  152. Application of singular value decomposition to direct matrix update method
  153. A closed-loop model for single/multi-shaker modal testing
  154. Non-Linear Sensitivity Analysis of Mechanical Structures Using Modal Data
  155. Structural modification analysis using Rayleigh quotient iteration
  156. Structural Modification Analysis using Rayleigh Quotient Iteration