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  1. Discussion on the design and Analysis of Efficient Steel Beam Connections under bending
  2. Interactive H5P games to practice structural analysis exercises online
  3. Crash prediction comparing data before and during COVID-19 pandemic mobility restrictions
  4. Accident prediction models on Motorways in Portugal considering geometric design features
  5. Student performance in a structural analysis course before and after the COVID-19
  6. Accurate 3D modeling of highway guardrails to estimate the available sight distance
  7. Sag curve design criteria on undivided highways derived from reliability theory
  8. Virtual recreation of the glare exposure for drivers along a highway segment.
  9. Reliability-Based Safety Evaluation of Headlight Sight Distance Applied to Road Sag Curve Standards
  10. Integral calculus for engineering students with practical examples
  11. UAV-based platforms to obtain a cloud point of a highway and its roadisdes, covered by trees
  12. Effect of fixed and swiveling headlights on nighttime sight distance on highways
  13. 3D sight distance evaluation of highway underpasses
  14. Analysis of the sight distance reduction caused by barriers installed to separate driving directions
  15. Methodology to estimate 3D sight distance on highways
  16. Analysis of sight-distance-related accident risk on curves using reliability theory
  17. Modelling a highway and its roadsides in 3D for sight distance studies using a Lidar cloud point
  18. An index for sight-hidden dips assessment
  19. Combined analysis of design consistency and sight distance of higways in a GIS
  20. Sight distance on highways and effects on alignment coordination and traffic safety