What is it about?

This study evaluates the reduction of sight distance after installing median barriers is evaluated under a 3D approach.

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Why is it important?

On the one hand, barriers prevent or mitigate head-on collisions and off-road crashes. On the other hand, they reduce the available sight distance. The both effects must be considered before adopting this countermeasure.


This methodology provides a tool to evaluate beforehand the potential effects of the sight distance reduction of installing median barriers to separate driving directions.

Dr. César De Santos-Berbel
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Addressing sight-distance-related safety effects of installing median barriers at horizontal curves of undivided highways under a 3D approach, May 2018, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb,
DOI: 10.5592/co/cetra.2018.674.
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