All Stories

  1. Examining Adolescent Language Performance in Discourse Production Across Four Elicitation Tasks
  2. Global TALES feasibility study: Personal narratives in 10-year-old children around the world
  3. Investigating Adolescent Discourse in Critical Thinking: Monologic Responses to Stories Containing a Moral Dilemma
  4. Properties of Spoken Persuasive Language Samples From Typically Developing Adolescents
  5. A Pilot Study of Early Storybook Reading With Babies With Hearing Loss
  6. Parent perceptions of literacy learning of their young children on the autism spectrum in their first year of schooling
  7. Longitudinal reading outcomes in response to a book-based, whole class intervention for students from diverse cultural, linguistic and socio-economic backgrounds
  8. How do teachers support their students on the autism spectrum in Australian primary schools?
  9. Profiles of vocalization change in children with autism receiving early intervention
  10. Parents’ and teacher aides’ perceptions and expectations of the language and communication abilities of children with Down syndrome
  11. Can we predict the early word reading skills of children with autism?
  12. A systematic review of predictors, moderators, and mediators of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorder
  13. A systematic review of school-based interventions targeting social communication behaviors for students with autism
  14. Protocol for a prospective longitudinal study investigating the participation and educational trajectories of Australian students with autism
  15. Promoting language and social communication development in babies through an early storybook reading intervention
  16. The oral narrative skills of pre-school children with autism.
  17. Listening to the Voices of Education Professionals Involved in Implementing an Oral Language and Early Literacy Program in the Classroom
  18. Early storybook reading with babies and young children: Parents’ opinions and home reading practices
  19. Phase 2 of CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology
  20. Work Placement for International Student Programmes (WISP): A Model of Effective Practice
  21. What Does Internationalisation or Interculturalisation Look Like in the Future in the Higher Education Sector?
  22. Foreword
  23. International Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists’ Practices in Working with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  24. Revisiting Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Speech Pathology Programs in Australia: Listening to the Voices of Staff and International Students
  25. The use of the Renfrew Action Picture Test (RAPT) following Tier 1 Intervention
  26. Home literacy experiences of preschoolers with autism or Down syndrome
  27. The Emergent Literacy Skills of Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  28. Evaluating the effectiveness of PrepSTART for promoting oral language and emergent literacy skills in disadvantaged preparatory students
  29. Children with Down Syndrome Sharing Past Personal Event Narratives with Their Teacher Aides: A Pilot Study
  30. CATALISE: A Multinational and Multidisciplinary Delphi Consensus Study. Identifying Language Impairments in Children
  31. Reading Assessment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  32. Spoken language samples of Australian children in conversation, narration and exposition
  33. Exploring the development of cultural awareness amongst post-graduate speech-language pathology students
  34. Assessing Spoken Language Outcomes in Children with ASD: a Systematic Review
  35. A Systematic Review of the Literature on Emergent Literacy Skills of Preschool Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
  36. The emergent literacy skills of four-year-old children receiving free kindergarten early childhood education in New Zealand
  37. The use of the Renfrew Bus Story with 5–8-year-old Australian children
  38. Speech pathology students' perceptions of workplace-based volunteer placements in an educational setting
  39. Clinician survey of language sampling practices in Australia
  40. Narrative and Early literacy skills in 4-year-old bilingual children
  41. Spoken expository discourse of children and adolescents: Retelling versus generation
  42. The Effects of Geographic Location and Picture Support on Children's Story Retelling Performance
  43. Evaluating the clinical utility of the Profile of Oral Narrative Ability for 4-year-old children
  44. Personal narrative skills of school-aged children with Down syndrome
  45. Favorite Game or Sport - expository generations of 6- and 7-year-old children
  46. Oral narrative context effects on poor readers' spoken language performance: Story retelling, story generation, and personal narratives
  47. Profiling oral narrative ability in young school-aged children
  48. A longitudinal investigation of oral narrative skills in children with mixed reading disability
  49. Oral narrative intervention for children with mixed reading disability
  50. Spoken language samples of New Zealand children in conversation and narration
  51. Child behaviour and parental stress two years following the Christchurch earthquakes
  52. Child response to language intervention following a natural disaster: A case series