What is it about?
This study measured the reading skills of 41 children with autism who were in their first year of schooling. We also investigated which emergent literacy skills, prior to school-entry, predicted these early word reading skills.
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Why is it important?
Up to 50% of children with autism will struggle in their early reading development, but this has received surprisingly little attention in the research literature. Reading success is important for academic achievement, mental well-being, and participation in society more broadly. An improved understanding of the early literacy pathways of children with autism will direct early intervention.
We were surprised by the high number of children who struggled decoding single words. We are now following some of these children as they enter their third year of schooling.
A/Prof Marleen F Westerveld
Griffith University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Preschool predictors of reading ability in the first year of schooling in children with ASD, Autism Research, August 2018, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/aur.1999.
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