All Stories

  1. Destination competitiveness research over the past three decades: a computational literature review using topic modelling
  2. How are sensory and non-sensory factors linked in food tourism experiences?
  3. Leveraging employee online reviews for improving hotel competitiveness in the great resignation
  4. Counterfactual reasoning with big data
  5. Advancing reliability assessment of venue-reference social media data for enhanced domestic tourism development
  6. Employees’ self-esteem in psychological contract: workplace ostracism and counterproductive behavior
  7. Leading for Resilience: Fostering Employee and Organizational Resilience in Tourism Firms
  8. Green innovation in events
  9. Value Creation in Wine Tourism
  10. Knowledge management in tourism
  11. Social Support and Resource-Scarcity in Entrepreneurship
  12. Sustainable Tourism Development – The Mountaineering Village Initiative
  13. Exploring the Case Sustainable Tourism Development – The Mountaineering Village Initiative
  14. Team familiarity and innovation
  15. Introduction to the special issue: Consumer experience management and customer journeys in tourism, hospitality and events
  16. Predictivity of tourism demand data
  17. Innovation capability and culture: How time-orientation shapes owner-managers’ perceptions
  18. Knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer and SMEs: evolution, antecedents, outcomes and directions
  19. Improving the Resident–Tourist Relationship in Urban Hotspots
  20. Online Ethnography and Social Phenomena on the Move
  21. Which travel risks are more important? An examination of the tourist’s decision-making process
  22. Improving the resident–tourist relationship in urban hotspots
  23. Managing the event workforce: Analysing the heterogeneity of job experiences
  24. Knowledge Sharing and Power in the Event Workforce
  25. Cultural distance and self-initiated expatriate’s willingness to relocate - A research agenda
  26. Forecasting with Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods in tourism
  27. A Serious Leisure Perspective of Culinary Tourism Co-Creation
  28. Forecasting for tourism
  29. Quality of Work Life and Gen-Y: How gender and organizational type moderate job satisfaction
  30. Talent in Hospitality Entrepreneurship
  31. Empathy in the service experience
  32. Perceived quality, authenticity, and price in tourists’ dining experiences
  33. The Role of Empathy in the Service Experience
  34. Qualitative interpretive research method: mobile ethnography
  35. How does knowledge transfer work in event organisations - and how do events 'store' knowledge?
  36. Gen Y hospitality students’ career path decisions
  37. The challenge of knowledge transfer between owner-manager and successor in family firms succession
  38. Student experience in higher education
  39. Innovation in Tourism Firms
  40. Tourists’ emotional experiences: image, satisfaction, and intention to recommend
  41. Emotions in organization-public relationship
  42. Services research in tourism
  43. How Europeans travel in Australia
  44. Generation Y in museums: Evaluating services experiences with mobile ethnography
  45. The Art of Community. Building the New Age of Participation2013 2 Jono Bacon The Art of Community. Building the New Age of Participation Sebastopol, CA O ' Reilly Media, Inc. 2012 539 pages 978-1-449-31206-0
  46. Towards Effective Place Brand Management: Branding European Cities and Regions20131Edited by Gregory Ashworth and Kavaratzis Mihalis. Towards Effective Place Brand Management: Branding European Cities and Regions. Cheltenham UK, Northampton, MA, USA: E...
  47. The impact of culture on quality management
  48. Mixed methods: Combining expert interviews, cross-impact analysis and scenario development
  49. Employee Empowerment: The Rhetoric and the Reality20111Huq Rozana. Employee Empowerment: The Rhetoric and the Reality. Axminster: Triarchy Press 2010. , ISBN: 978‐0‐9565379‐6‐6
  50. Word-of-Mouth Amplified - An Exploration of Hotel Customer Feedback Websites
  51. Total Quality Management im Tourismus