All Stories

  1. Investigating gendered reactions to manager mistreatment: Testing the presumed role of prescriptive stereotypes
  2. Leading through the uncertainty of COVID ‐19: The joint influence of leader emotions and gender on abusive and family‐supportive supervisory behaviours
  3. Women With Mandarin Accent in the Canadian English-Speaking Hiring Context: Can Evaluations of Warmth Undermine Gender Equity?
  4. Diversity climate affords unequal protection against incivility among Asian workers: The COVID‐19 pandemic as a racial mega‐threat
  5. Finally, some “me time”: A new theoretical perspective on the benefits of commuting
  6. Clarifying the inconsistently observed curvilinear relationship between workload and employee attitudes and mental well-being
  7. Bad, mad, or glad? Exploring the relationship between leaders' appraisals or attributions of their use of abusive supervision and emotional reactions
  8. Granting Leadership to Asian Americans: the Activation of Ideal Leader and Ideal Follower Traits on Observers’ Leadership Perceptions
  9. What is that I hear? An interdisciplinary review and research agenda for non‐native accents in the workplace
  10. Unbalanced, Unfair, Unhappy, or Unable? Theoretical Integration of Multiple Processes Underlying the Leader Mistreatment-Employee CWB Relationship with Meta-Analytic Methods
  11. Subordinate poor performance as a stressor on leader well-being: The mediating role of abusive supervision and the moderating role of motives for abuse.
  12. Why Do You Ask? The Effects of Perceived Motives on the Effort that Managers Allocate Toward Delivering Feedback
  13. Depending on your own kindness: The moderating role of self-compassion on the within-person consequences of work loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  14. Safety implications of different forms of understaffing among nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic
  15. Work as replenishment or responsibility? Moderating effects of occupational calling on the within-person relationship between COVID-19 news consumption and work engagement.
  16. Gender and leadership: A criterion-focused review and research agenda
  17. Should I lead? An intrapersonal perspective on the Asian–White leadership gap.
  18. Emerging research in industrial–organizational psychology in Canada.
  19. A vicious cycle of symbolic tokenism: The gendered effects of external board memberships on chief executive officer compensation
  20. What is (s)he Worth? Exploring Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions of the Relationship Between CEO Extraversion and Pay
  21. A disability disclosure simulation as an educational tool
  22. I can, I am: Differential predictors of leader efficacy and identity trajectories in leader development
  23. Diversity climate promises in ideological psychological contracts: racial differences in responses to breach and fulfilment
  24. Personal Endorsement of Ambivalent Sexism and Career Success: an Investigation of Differential Mechanisms
  25. Why Still so Few? A Theoretical Model of the Role of Benevolent Sexism and Career Support in the Continued Underrepresentation of Women in Leadership Positions
  26. Employers’ perspectives of including young people with disabilities in the workforce, disability disclosure and providing accommodations
  27. A framework for developing employer’s disability confidence
  28. Can pride be a vice and virtue at work? Associations between authentic and hubristic pride and leadership behaviors
  29. How leader role identity influences the process of leader emergence: A social network analysis
  30. The Effects of US Presidential Elections on Work Engagement and Job Performance
  31. When and why are proactive employees more creative? Investigations of relational and motivational mechanisms and contextual contingencies in the east and west
  32. What to do and what works? Exploring how work groups cope with understaffing.
  33. Personal and Situational Antecedents of Workers’ Implicit Leadership Theories: A Within-Person, Between-Jobs Design
  34. The Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work–Family Interface
  35. Disability disclosure and workplace accommodations among youth with disabilities
  36. Consequences of work group manpower and expertise understaffing: A multilevel approach.
  37. Societal individualism-collectivism and uncertainty avoidance as cultural moderators of relationships between job resources and strain
  38. Disentangling the relationship between gender and work–family conflict: An integration of theoretical perspectives using meta-analytic methods.
  39. An Examination of the Influence of Implicit Theories, Attribution Styles, and Performance Cues on Questionnaire Measures of Leadership
  40. Differential Prediction in the Use of the SAT and High School Grades in Predicting College Performance: Joint Effects of Race and Language
  41. How Much Do We Really Know About Employee Resilience?
  42. Black–White mean differences in job satisfaction: A meta-analysis
  43. The Role of Socioeconomic Status in SAT-Freshman Grade Relationships Across Gender and Racial Subgroups
  44. Is a happy leader a good leader? A meta-analytic investigation of leader trait affect and leadership
  45. Understaffing
  46. When Correcting for Unreliability of Job Performance Ratings, the Best Estimate Is Still .52
  47. Building Positive Resources: Effects of Positive Events and Positive Reflection on Work Stress and Health
  48. How Are We Doing After 30 Years? A Meta-Analytic Review of the Antecedents and Outcomes of Feedback-Seeking Behavior
  49. The Complexity of Marginalized Identities: The Social Construction of Identities, Multiple Identities, and the Experience of Exclusion
  50. The Role of Socioeconomic Status in SAT-Grade Relationships and in College Admissions Decisions
  51. All Validities are Not Created Equal: Determinants of Variation in SAT Validity Across Schools
  52. Samples in applied psychology: Over a decade of research in review.
  53. Fostering integrative community leadership
  54. Emotional intelligence development: leveraging individual characteristics
  55. Broadening International Perspectives on the Legal Environment for Personnel Selection
  56. International Perspectives on the Legal Environment for Selection
  57. Developing and measuring the emotional intelligence of leaders
  58. Fireworks Exploded in My Mouth