All Stories

  1. In Dialogue with the More-than-Human: Affective Prefiguration in Encounters with Others
  2. More-Than-Human Perspectives and Values in Human-Computer Interaction
  3. Processes of Proliferation
  4. Designing for Transformative Futures: Creative Practice, Social Change and Climate Emergency
  5. Coping with Messiness in Ethnography: Authority, Bias and Immersion in ethnographic Fieldwork in the non-Western World
  6. Wanting To Live Here: Design After Anthropocentric Functionalism
  7. 'The co-': feminisms, power and research cultures
  8. Sharing & Cooperativism: Designing For Economies
  9. Reconsidering Scale and Scaling in CSCW Research
  10. Designing with More-than-Human Food Practices for Climate-Resilience
  11. Embracing Uncertainty in HCI
  12. Understanding the Past, Present, and Future of Design Fictions
  13. The breakdown of the municipality as caring platform: lessons for co-design and co-learning in the age of platform capitalism
  14. Repositioning CoDesign in the age of platform capitalism: from sharing to caring
  15. Designing at the End of the World
  16. More-than-human participation
  17. Design and Social Innovation at the Margins: Finding and Making Cultures of Plurality
  18. Not-equal
  19. Power Struggles in the Digital Economy
  20. Approaching Engagement towards Human-Engaged Computing
  21. Appropriated or Inauthentic Care in Gig-Economy Platforms
  22. Designing against the status quo
  23. Special Topic: Taking Action in a Changing World
  24. Ann Light
  25. The Meaning of Place in Supporting Sociality
  26. Crowdfunding Platforms and the Design of Paying Publics
  27. Situated Encounters with Socially Engaged Art in Community-based Design
  28. What's special about aging
  29. Some Notes on the Design of "World Machines"