All Stories

  1. Selection of the best photodiode based on analysis of fluctuations/noise characteristics in the frame of the CAPoNeF method
  2. Differentiation of Different Sorts of Sugars by the CAPoNeF Method
  3. “Fuzzy” calculus: The link between quantum mechanics and discrete fractional operators
  4. New Digital Signal Processing Methods
  5. Applications of NIMRAD in Electrochemistry
  6. Description of Partly Correlated Random Sequences: Replacement of Random Sequences by the Generalised Prony Spectrum
  7. Reduction of Trendless Sequences of Data by Universal Parameters
  8. The Statistics of Fractional Moments and its Application for Quantitative Reading of Real Data
  9. The General Theory of Reproducible and Quasi-Reproducible Experiments
  10. The Eigen-Coordinates Method: Description of Blow-Like Signals
  11. The Eigen-Coordinates Method: Reduction of Non-linear Fitting Problems
  12. The Quantitative “Universal” Label and the Universal Distribution Function for Relative Fluctuations. Qualitative Description of Trendless Random Functions
  13. The Non-orthogonal Amplitude Frequency Analysis of Smoothed Signals Approach and Its Application for Describing Multi-Frequency Signals
  14. New Method for Calibrating a Complex Equipment: Creation of the Confidence Tube for Fractal-Like Noise
  15. Any random noise has its deterministic component related to the Discrete Geometrical Invariants
  16. The first application of the DGI in Electrochemistry
  17. How quantitatively describe the complex beatings associated with seismic waves?
  18. How to detect possible traces in the present of the gadgets artefacts?
  19. New approach in electrochemistry based on the percolation theory
  20. How to describe quantitatively the random background in electrochemistry?
  21. Accurate relationships between fractals and fractional integrals: New approaches and evaluations
  22. New concept of the fractal experiment is formulated.
  23. Forecasting of random sequences and Prony decomposition of finance data
  24. Fractional Calculus: D’où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous?
  25. Electrolytic Fractional Derivative and Integral of Two-Terminal Element
  26. Do you want to fit the random signal in the frame of the NAFASS-approach? Do it!
  27. The Digital Signal Processing