All Stories

  1. Quantifying the influence of customer experience on consumer share-of-category
  2. Humanitarian Crises: The (Un)Certainty of Servicescapes and Their Impact on Frontline Actors
  3. Reevaluating tourism experience measurements: an alternative Bayesian approach
  4. Dynamics of individual actors’ self, social, and task pre-dispositions in multi-actor service ecosystems
  5. Investigating the drivers of wearable technology adoption for healthcare in South America
  6. The role of customer experience in the perceived value–word-of-mouth relationship
  7. Customer experience quality in African B2B contexts
  8. Guiding directions and propositions: Placing dynamics at the heart of customer experience (CX) research
  9. Measuring customer experience quality: The EXQ scale revisited
  10. Customer experience in the B2B area: The impact of age-related impressions
  11. Guest editorial: age is a construct, not a characteristic
  12. Revisiting the Age Construct: Implications for Service Research
  13. Equilibrating resources and challenges during crises: a framework for service ecosystem well-being
  14. Man vs machine: examining the three themes of service robotics in tourism and hospitality
  15. Viewpoint: a primer for inclusive service marketing theory
  16. Digitalization’s impacts on productivity: a model-based approach and evaluation in Germany’s building construction industry
  17. Intentionality and transformative services: Wellbeing co-creation and spill-over effects
  18. Customer engagement in evolving technological environments: synopsis and guiding propositions
  19. Customer trust recovery: An alternative explanation
  20. Consumer responses to planned obsolescence
  21. Unstable interactions in customers’ decision making: an experimental proof
  22. Le chaînon manquant – l’équité comme déterminant ultime de la rentabilité des services ?!
  23. The missing link: Fairness as the ultimate determinant of service profitability?!
  24. Toward Application and Testing of Measurement Scales and an Example
  25. Towards the use of chronological age in research – A cautionary comment
  26. Attraction during the service encounter: examining the other side of the coin
  28. What is service convenience in healthcare and how do you measure it?
  29. Transformative service research and service dominant logic: Quo Vaditis?
  30. Retail companies’ internationalization behavior and the 2008 crisis
  31. Exploring the influence of customers' time horizon perspectives on the satisfaction–loyalty link
  32. The role of context and motivation variables in mobile commerce usage — A further perspective on Chong (2013)
  33. The role of marketing in today's enterprises
  34. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)
  35. From ‘free’ to fee: Acceptability of airline ancillary fees and the effects on customer behavior
  36. Applying the future time perspective scale to advertising research
  37. Value Creation in Online Services
  38. 1 + 1 does not always equal value creation: The case of YouTube
  39. Bearers of Bad News: The Manager's Perspective on Direct Involvement in Layoffs
  40. The effects of film trailers on shaping consumer expectations in the entertainment industry—A qualitative analysis
  41. A replication and extension of Hennig-Thurau's concept of COSE
  42. Understanding the antecedents, the outcomes and the mediating role of social capital: An employee perspective
  43. Co-creation by engaging beyond oneself: the influence of task contribution on perceived customer-to-customer social interaction during a group service encounter
  44. Psychological safety, contributions and service satisfaction of customers in group service experiences
  45. Productivity in Customer Groups during a Service Experience
  46. Stewardship Behavior and Creativity
  47. Transformationale Führung von Vertriebsmitarbeitern im Solution Selling
  48. Ergeben Serviceorientierung und Brand Behavior ein Branded Service Behavior? – Der Versuch einer Zusammenführung