All Stories

  1. Firm capabilities, export diversification, and crisis affectedness: A study of Polish exporters during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020–2021
  2. Multinational enterprises as driving forces of efficiency and globalization – friends or foes?
  3. Economics of moderation as a foundation of sustainable development
  4. Selected determinants and directions of the new way of thinking in economic sciences
  5. Pandemia, wojna, globalne przesilenie
  6. Economists' responsibility for economic crises - scope and impact
  7. From the Editor-in-Chief
  8. Wybrane problemy gospodarcze Polski – perspektywa wewnętrzna i perspektywa międzynarodowa
  9. Rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy a racjonalność globalna – w kierunku gospodarki umiaru
  10. Evolution of globalisation and firm internationalisation under crisis conditions - the perspective of Polish exporters amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021
  11. Category of the Common Good from the COVID-19 Pandemic Perspective
  12. How Does Economic Integration Affect Progress along the Investment Development Path? A Case Study of EU Member vs. Non-Member Countries from Eastern Europe
  13. Uwarunkowania polskiej polityki gospodarczej po roku 2022
  14. From the Editor-in-Chief
  15. Jak państwa Unii Europejskiej radzą sobie z kryzysem gospodarczym wywołanym pandemią COVID-19?
  16. Globalization in a COVID-19 Afflicted World
  17. The Internationalisation of Polish Firms under Covid 19 Conditions – Results of an Exploratory Study
  18. Potential and desired consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic for research in economic sciences
  19. Book review: The economic and legal impact of COVID-19. The case of Poland
  20. Marian GORYNIA: Ekonomiczne, finansowe i menedżerskie aspekty zagranicznej ekspansji przedsiębiorstw
  21. Rola czasopism naukowych w zreformowanym systemie nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce
  22. Foreign direct investment and the Covid-19 pandemic: The real economy perspective and theoretical implications
  23. Brexit and the Future of the European Union
  24. Ekonomia informacji, red. Przemysław Deszczyński - Recenzja
  25. Proposals for Modification of Selected Economic Concepts Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
  26. Will COVID-19 Kill Globalization? 1
  27. Integration and investment development paths of CEE countries.Does EU-membership make a difference?
  28. Hanna G. Adamkiewicz, Konkurencyjność międzynarodowa krajów,
  29. Liwiusz Wojciechowski, Napływ zagranicznych inwestycji bezpośrednich a produktywność gospodarek krajów Grupy Wyszehradzkiej, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2019, ss. 200
  30. Long-term evolution of the subsidiary’s role: a qualitative perspective on a subsidiary located in Poland
  31. O silnych i słabych stronach współczesnych nauk ekonomicznych
  32. Friend or Foe? On the role of institutional reforms in the investment development path of Central and East European economies
  33. Sectoral dimensions of Poland's investment development path revisited
  34. Geographic patterns of Poland’s FDI: the investment development path perspective
  35. The concepts of strategy and business models in firm internationalization research: Towards a research agenda
  36. Competition and globalisation in economic sciences. Selected aspects
  37. Editorial introduction
  38. Understanding transaction costs in the mesoeconomic perspective
  39. EU countries from central and Eastern Europe, and the investment development path model: a new assessment
  40. Ścieżka rozwoju inwestycji zagranicznych Polski – próba syntezy
  41. Innowacyjność, produktywność i konkurencyjność gospodarki a międzynarodowa współpraca gospodarcza
  42. REVIEW - Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
  43. Internationalization in Central and Eastern Europe
  44. Comprehensive work on international business finance
  45. Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe
  46. On the Path of Poland’s Globalization
  47. Book Review: M. Gorazda, Ł. Hardt, T. Kwarciński, Metaeconomics
  48. The moderating effects of control on firm
  49. On the Evolution of Poland’s Position in the Global Economy in 2003–2012
  50. Recenzja: Migracje i delokalizacja przedsiębiorstw
  51. Zarządzanie zasobami wodnymi
  52. Panel dyskusyjny pt. "Polska gospodarka: osiągnięcia, porażki i szanse rozwojowe"
  53. Jubileusz 90-lecia Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu
  54. The Polish economy: achievements, failures and development opportunities
  56. Polish Economic Policy, Internationalization, and Globalization
  57. Are Firms in Corporate Groups More Resilient During an Economic Crisis?
  58. Identification of Linkages between the Competitive Potential and Competitive Position of SMEs
  59. Determinants of FDI establishment mode choice of Polish firms. The OLI paradigm perspective
  60. Does outward FDI by Polish multinationals support existing theory?
  61. Outward FDI of Polish firms
  62. Government support measures for outward FDI: an emerging economy’s perspective
  63. Ewolucja i zdolności adaptacyjne aliansów strategicznych
  64. International competitiveness of Polish companies and the perspective of Poland joining the euro zone
  65. Successes and Challenges of Emerging Economy Multinationals
  66. Emerging Profiles of Polish OFDI
  67. Internationalization of Emerging Economies and Firms
  68. Investing in a Transition Economy
  69. The Changing Nature of Doing Business in Transition Economies
  70. Poland's IDP: in search of a synthesis
  71. Modes, rythmes et perspectives d'internationalisation de l'économie et des entreprises polonaises
  72. Poland's IDP and Industry Structure of FDI Inflows and Outflows
  73. The Internationalization Theories of the Firm: A Short Review
  74. The Influence of Business Clusters on the Competitiveness and Internationalization of Enterprises
  75. Multinational Enterprises and the Competitiveness of Transitional Host Economies
  76. Poland and Its IDP
  77. Zarządzanie zmianą w warunkach transformacji i globalizacji
  78. Motives and modes of FDI in Poland
  79. Motives and Modes of FDI, Firm Characteristics and Performance
  80. Zachowania przedsiębiorstw lokalnych a ekspansja inwestorów zagranicznych w Polsce
  81. Strategie firm polskich wobec ekspansji inwestorów zagranicznych - instrumenty polityki gospodarczej
  82. Competitiveness of firms from Ziemia Lubuska and Poland’s accession to the European Union
  83. Globalization of a Transitional Economy
  85. National Differences in Technology Transfers in East European Transition Economies
  86. Rola banków w restrukturyzacji przedsiębiorstw (II)
  87. Rola banków w restrukturyzacji przedsiębiorstw (I)
  88. Inflacja w biznes-planie
  89. FDI in New EU Member States from Central and Eastern Europe
  90. Should Governments Support Outward FDI? The Case of Poland
  91. The internationalization of Polish firms: evidence from a qualitative study of FDI behaviour