All Stories

  1. The craft beer scene in Budapest
  2. Why do big farms keep going in Central and Eastern Europe?
  3. Are Organic Farms Less Efficient?
  4. Empowering women in sustainable agriculture
  5. Ground-Level Impacts of Management Transfer to Poor Farmers in Developing Countries
  6. The effect of agri-environmental scheme on the eco-efficiency
  7. Income inequality in the Hungarian wine sector
  8. Irrigation management of small farms
  9. The impact of subsidy on the farm employment
  10. Investments and subsidies in agriculture
  11. The impact of ecologisation on the farm productivity
  12. Smaller farms are growing faster than larger ones
  13. Impacts of subsidies on the efficiency
  14. Spatial changes in the cattle sector
  15. Little evidence that host countries win more Olympic medals
  16. Wellbeing of famers
  17. Location of microbreweries
  18. Trade in Value Added data in gravity models
  19. What drives family farm growth
  20. Regional trade agreements and global maize exports
  21. Do Subsidies Decrease the Farm Income Inequality?
  22. Duration of Olympic success
  23. Psychological profiles of consumer groups during Covid
  24. The socioeconomic impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
  25. The smallholder puzzle
  26. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of waste management with circular economy principles in developing countries: A systematic review
  27. Impact of subsidies on farm employment
  28. Survival strategies of farmers during the Covid
  29. Spatial Transformation in the Pig Sector
  30. Technological Heterogeneity in Pig Farming
  31. Szomszédsági hatások a világ kukorica piacán 1996 és 2015 között
  32. Hozzájárul-e a helyi élelmiszer vásárlás a helyi gazdaság fejlődéséhez? Egy szisztematikus irodalmi áttekintés
  33. Farm diversification as a potential success factor for small-scale farmers during Covid
  34. The role of network in European dairy exports
  35. Human capital may help the farm growth
  36. The agri-food exports of Central and Eastern European countries
  37. Dairy farms investment behaviour
  38. Productivity growth in Global Agriculture
  39. The Impact of the outbreak of Covid-19 on Small-scale Producers
  40. Farmers' engagement in irrigation management
  41. The impact of climate change on agriculture
  42. The influence of the members of the Agricultural Committee of the European Parliament
  43. Does economic growth influence forestry trends?
  44. Multiplier effects of local food
  45. THe effects of subsidies on the components total factor productivity
  46. Analysis of the relationship between farm size and the growth of farms.
  47. Farm household income inequality in Slovenia
  48. The role of technological differences in farm efficiency.
  49. Testing the validity of Gibrat’s law for Slovenian farms: cross-sectional dependence and unit root tests
  50. Evaluating the Effect of Farmers’ Participation in Irrigation Management on Farm Productivity and Profitability in the Mubuku Irrigation Scheme, Uganda
  51. Spatial clusters in the pork sector.
  52. Measuring foreing direct investment
  53. Agricultural soft budget constraint
  54. Spatial price transmission and trade
  55. The impacts of Rural Development Programs in Hungary
  56. The impact of subsidies on farm income in Hungary and Slocenia
  57. The performance of EU agri-food exports.
  58. Global agri-food trade gross and value added exports
  59. Farm income risk in Slovenia
  60. Impacts of climate on technical efficiency in the Hungarian arable sector
  61. Drivers of the duration of comparative advantage in the European Union’s agri-food exports
  62. Impact of European Union development subsidies on Hungarian regions
  63. Economic Crisis And the Fragility of World Wine Export
  64. The Emergence and Survival of Microbreweries in Hungary
  66. Are farms in less favored areas less efficient?
  67. Globalization and Outward Foreign Direct Investment
  68. Off to market: but which one? Understanding the participation of small-scale farmers in short food supply chains—a Hungarian case study
  69. Intra-European Union trade of dairy products: insights from network analysis
  70. Network analysis of the EU dairy trade
  71. The duration of global agri-food export competitiveness
  72. Short communication: East-West European farm investment behaviour - The role of financial constraints and public support
  73. Demand for Farm Insurance Under Financial Constraints
  74. Válság- és agglomerációs hatások a magyarországi sertéstartásban
  75. Innovation in the Hungarian food economy  
  77. Quality Upgrades of EU Agri-Food Exports
  78. Structural Transformation in Central and Eastern European Countries' Agriculture: Convergence or Divergence?
  79. Intra-industry trade in the wine sector in the enlarged European Union
  80. Export competitiveness of the European Union in fruit and vegetable products in the global markets
  81. Borderless ideas – open innovation in the Hungarian food chain
  82. Empirical tests of sale theories: Hungarian milk prices
  83. Productivity and Convergence in European Agriculture
  84. Hungary
  85. Intra-industry Trade in the Beer Industry within the Enlarged European Union
  86. Spatial changes of the pig population in Hungary
  87. The Structural Transformation in Central and Eastern European Agriculture
  88. Horizontal intra-industry trade in agri-food products in the enlarged European Union
  89. Are new EU member states catching up with older ones on global agri-food markets?
  90. Az európai uniós támogatások hatása a kistérségek helyzetére
  91. Heterogeneous technology, scale of land use and technical efficiency: The case of Hungarian crop farms
  92. Drivers of vertical intra-industry trade: the case of the Hungarian agri-food sector
  93. Agri-Food Export Competitiveness in European Union Countries
  94. Socio-Economic Status and the Structural Change of Dietary Intake in Hungary
  95. Export competitiveness of dairy products on global markets: The case of the European Union countries
  96. Quality of institutions and the BRIC countries agro-food exports
  97. Spatial Product Market Integration between Two Small, Open Neighbouring Economies
  98. Agri-food exports from European Union Member States using constant market share analysis
  99. Determinants of technical efficiency in agriculture in new EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe
  100. Forestry industry trade by degree of wood processing in the enlarged European Union countries
  101. Technical Efficiency and Determinants of Mobility Patterns in European Agriculture
  102. Farm size and growth in field crop and dairy farms in France, Hungary and Slovenia
  103. Does Market Structure Influence Price Transmission in the Agro-food Sector? A Meta-analysis Perspective
  104. Farm income sources, farm size and farm technical efficiency in Slovenia
  105. Contractual relationships in the Hungarian milk sector
  106. Identification of Market Power in the Hungarian Dairy Industry: A Plant-Level Analysis
  107. Environmental Pressures and Technical Efficiency of Pig Farms in Hungary
  108. Broadband availability and economic growth
  109. Price transmission in the milk sectors of Poland and Hungary
  110. Benefits of a marketing cooperative in transition agriculture: Mórakert purchasing and service co-operative
  111. Does EU Enlargement Increase Agro-Food Export Duration?
  112. Complementarities of trade advantage and trade competitiveness measures
  113. Controversial issues in factors determining intra-industry trade
  114. Wheat market integration between Hungary and Germany
  115. Is there a consensus among Hungarian agricultural economists?
  116. Information and communication infrastructure development and agro-food trade
  117. Innovation and output in OECD countries: implications upon emerging economies
  118. A közép-kelet-európai országok agrár-külkereskedelmi integrációja az Európai Unióba: mit mondanak nekünk a nemzetközi kereskedelemelmélet előrejelzései és az empirikus vizsgálatok?
  119. Marginal intra‐industry trade and adjustment costs in the first phase of transition
  120. The impact of EU accession on farms' technical efficiency in Hungary
  121. Internet and international food industry trade
  122. Southeastern European Agrofood Trade Specialization
  123. Internet and international food industry trade
  124. Estimating Oligopsony Power in the Hungarian Market for Slaughter Hogs
  125. Treating trade statistics inaccuracies: the case of intra-industry trade
  126. How can producers access the modern agri-food chain? A Central and Eastern European perspective.
  127. Marketing Margins and Price Transmission in a Transition Country - The Case of the Hungarian Pork Market
Les marges commerciales et la transmission des prix dans un pays en transition - le cas du marché de la viande de porc en Hongrie
Handelsspannen und P
  128. The growth of family farms in Hungary
  129. Agro-food trade competitiveness of Central European and Balkan countries
  130. Labour Market Adjustment and Intra-Industry Trade: The Effects of Association on the Hungarian Food Industry
  131. Investment and financial constraints in Hungarian agriculture
  132. Determinants of agro-food trade competition of Central European countries with the European Union
  133. Marketing and Pricing Dynamics in the Presence of Structural Breaks: The Hungarian Pork Market
  134. Duration of trade of former communist countries in the EU market
  135. Organic farms in Hungary
  136. The institutional determinants of bilateral Agricultural and food trade
  137. European Enlargement and Agro-Food Trade
  138. A magyar agrárexport kereskedelmi előnyei és versenyképessége az EU piacán
  139. Mórakert CO-OP: A successful case of linking small farmers to markets of horticultural products in Hungary
  140. Trade Specialization in the European Union and in Postcommunist European Countries
  141. Dynamics of intra-industry trade and adjustment costs. The case of Hungarian food industry
  142. Price competition vs. quality competition: The role of one-way trade
  143. The evolution of agri-food trade patterns in Central European countries
  144. Agro-food trade sustainability in Central and Eastern Europe
  145. Intra-Industry Trade Between the Old EU and the NMS Before Enlargement
  146. Institutional Reforms and Evolution of Industry, Trade, Technology in the EU’s New Borderland
  147. The Catching-Up Process of European Enlargement: Hungarian and Slovenian Agricultural, Food, and Forestry Trade
  148. Intra-industry trade in horizontally and vertically differentiated agri-food products between Hungary and the EU
  149. Trade advantages and integration of Croatian, Hungarian and Slovenian agro-food trade with the European Union
  150. Marketing margins and price transmission on the Hungarian beef market
  151. A mezőgazdasági föld közgazdasági értékelése
  152. Az agrárpolitika hatása a föld árára
  153. Megnyilvánuló komparatív előnyök a magyar mezőgazdaságban: kaotikus vagy koherens szerkezet?
  154. Vertically Differentiated Trade and Differences in Factor Endowment: The Case of Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EU
  155. Marketing margins and price transmission on the Hungarian pork meat market
  156. The Dynamics of Hungarian Agri-Food Trade Patterns in the EU
  157. A magyar agrárkereskedelem dinamikája a világpiacon
  158. Revealed Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness in Hungarian Agri–Food Sectors
  159. Intra-Industry Trade in Horizontally and Vertically Differentiated Agri-food Products Between Hungary and the EU
  160. Intra-Industry Trade in Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EU
  161. A mezőgazdaság átalakulása Közép-Európában és az európai integráció
  162. A siker titka: A magánerős modernizáció (Soltvadkert)