All Stories

  1. The first 9 years of kidney paired donation through the National Kidney Registry: Characteristics of donors and recipients compared with National Live Donor Transplant Registries
  2. An Explore Transplant Group Randomized Controlled Education Trial to Increase Dialysis Patients’ Decision-Making and Pursuit of Transplantation
  3. What Else Can We Do to Ensure Transplant Equity for High-Risk Patients?
  4. Kidney Exchange Match Rates in a Large Multicenter Clearinghouse
  5. Spirituality and religiosity of non-directed (altruistic) living kidney donors
  6. Shipping Living Donor Kidneys and Transplant Recipient Outcomes
  7. The Role of Media in Non-Directed (Altruistic) Living Kidney Donation.
  8. A Clustered Randomized Trial of an Educational Intervention During Transplant Evaluation
  9. Vouchers for Future Kidney Transplants to Overcome “Chronological Incompatibility” Between Living Donors and Recipients
  10. The Living Donor Collective: A Scientific Registry for Living Donors
  11. Cultural Competency of Mobile Transplant Education Tool
  12. Social Economic Status and Demographic Data of Non-Directed Living Kidney Donors
  13. Linguistic Isolation and the Transplant Waitlist
  14. Ethnic Background and Kidney Transplant in Canada
  15. Health Disparities in Kidney Transplantation for African Americans
  16. Recommendations for Increasing Living Donation
  17. Explore Transplant @Home Educational Intervention
  18. Transplant Education in Dialysis Centers
  19. Improving Transplant Education
  20. Measures to Understand Living Donor Kidney Transplant Decisions
  21. Best Practices in Designing Patient Education for Transplant
  22. Best Practices in Live Kidney Donation
  23. Readiness of Black Patients on the Waitlist to Pursue Transplant
  24. House Calls Approach for the Kidney Transplant Waitlist
  25. Your Path to Transplant
  26. Lung Transplant Patient Education
  27. Education to Increase Knowledge Among Potential Transplant Candidates
  28. Measuring kidney patients' motivation to pursue living donor kidney transplant: Development of Stage of Change, Decisional Balance and Self-Efficacy measures
  29. Modifiable Patient Characteristics and Racial Disparities in Evaluation Completion and Living Donor Transplant
  30. Willingness to Pursue Transplant Among Persons with HIV
  31. Living-Donor Follow-Up Attitudes and Practices in U.S. Kidney and Liver Donor Programs
  32. The “House Calls” Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Racial Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Rationale and Design
  33. Depression after Kidney Donation
  34. Health Follow-Up With Kidney Donors After 3 Year
  35. Transplant Education Practices and Attitudes in Dialysis Centers: Dialysis Leadership Weighs In
  36. Follow-Up With Kidney Donors, Recommendations and Future Directions
  37. Successful Follow-Up of Living Donors
  38. Improving transplant education in the dialysis setting: the “explore transplant” initiative
  39. Intention to Receive Deceased Donor Transplant
  40. Research and Intervention for Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Transplant
  41. Situational Self-Efficacy Measure
  42. Decisional Balance Measure
  43. Public Knowledge of and Attitude toward Rapid Organ Recovery
  44. Organ Donation Education
  45. Preemptive Transplant Education Improvements
  46. Varied Practices for Live Donor Informed Consent in the U.S.
  47. Differences in tolerance for health risk to the living donor among potential donors, recipients, and transplant professionals
  48. Attitudes and Behaviors of African Americans Regarding Kidney Disease Detection
  49. Trainees Experiences Disclosing Medical Errors to Patients
  50. Optimal Education to Increase Living Donation
  51. Physician Communication About Medical Errors
  52. Factors Influencing Organ Donation Decisions by African Americans: A Review of the Literature
  53. Impact of Medical Errors on Physicians' Emotions
  54. Kidney paired donation: state of the science and practice
  55. Improving on-line information for potential living kidney donors
  56. Improving Patient Education Delivery to Increase Living Donation Rates
  57. Reporting and Disclosing Medical Errors
  58. Choosing Your Words Carefully
  59. Physican Attitudes on Error Disclosure
  60. Incompatible Donor Willingness to Participate in Donor Exchange
  61. Patient Attitudes on Participating in Error Prevention
  62. Predicting Hemorrhage
  63. Living Donation Decision Making
  64. Living donation decision making: recipients' concerns and educational needs
  65. National survey: Risk managers' attitudes and experiences regarding patient safety and error disclosure
  66. Accuracy of ICD-9-CM Codes for Identifying Cardiovascular and Stroke Risk Factors
  67. Patient Concerns About Medical Errors In Emergency Departments
  68. Potential Living Donors Health Education Use
  69. Three Perspectives on Organ Donation
  70. Attitudes Regarding Error Disclosure
  71. Warfarin Drug Dose Reduction
  72. Substitution of Generic Warfarin for Coumadin in an HMO Setting
  73. Effective Telephone Anticoagulation Service
  74. Satisfaction with Telephone-based Anticoagulation
  75. Validation of Clinical Schemes for Predicting Stroke
  76. From Curiosity to Care: Heterosexual Student Interest in Sexual Diversity Courses
  77. Ethically and Effectively Advancing Living Donation