All Stories

  1. Normative Values for Word Syllable Duration With Interpretation in a Large Sample of Stroke Survivors With Aphasia
  2. Barriers to Informational Support for Care Partners of People With Aphasia After Stroke
  3. Motivation in Aphasia Treatment: Self-Determination Theory Applied to the FOURC Model
  4. Do People With Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia Improve or Worsen Across Repeated Sequential Word Trials?
  5. Three-Dimensional Speech Profiles in Stroke Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech
  6. Speech Metrics and Samples That Differentiate Between Nonfluent/Agrammatic and Logopenic Variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia
  7. Subjective Communication Difficulties in Very Mild Aphasia
  8. Speech consistency in apraxia of speech III
  9. Story telling by people with aphasia: The communication partner
  10. Early findings about a new treatment for apraxia of speech: ActionSC II
  11. Life activities for caregivers of people with aphasia: L!V Cards IV
  12. Speech Fluency in Acquired Apraxia of Speech During Narrative Discourse: Group Comparisons and Dual-Task Effects
  13. Telling stories while multitasking for people with aphasia
  14. Calculating phonemic accuracy automatically
  15. Caregivers navigating rehabilitative care for people with aphasia after stroke: a multi‐lens perspective
  16. Consonant and vowel distortions we hear in apraxia of speech: IV
  17. The FOURC Model
  18. Automated Speech Recognition in Adult Stroke Survivors: Comparing Human and Computer Transcriptions
  19. Word-level prosodic measures and the differential diagnosis of apraxia of speech
  20. Activity choices by people with aphasia Vs activity choices by others: L!V Cards III
  21. Speech consistency in apraxia of speech II
  22. Treatment goals and procedures that people want: ActionSC I
  23. Consonant and vowel distortions we hear in apraxia of speech: III
  24. Recovering With Acquired Apraxia of Speech: The First 2 Years
  25. Auditory Masking Effects on Speech Fluency in Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia: Comparison to Altered Auditory Feedback
  26. Interruptions to the flow of speech affect how people with aphasia are perceived
  27. Speech sound distortions in aphasia and apraxia of speech: reliability and diagnostic significance
  28. Measuring mood in aphasia
  29. Single-word intelligibility testing in aphasia: Alternate forms reliability, phonetic complexity and word frequency
  30. Speech consistency in apraxia of speech I
  31. Supporting Autonomy for People with Aphasia: Use of the Life Interests and Values (LIV) Cards
  32. Maxillary Arch Dimensions and Spectral Characteristics of Children With Cleft Lip and Palate Who Produce Middorsum Palatal Stops
  33. Toward a Quantitative Basis for Assessment and Diagnosis of Apraxia of Speech
  34. Script Training and Generalization for People With Aphasia
  35. Computer-mediated assessment of intelligibility in aphasia and apraxia of speech
  36. Reliability and Validity of a Computer-Mediated, Single-Word Intelligibility Test: Preliminary Findings for Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate
  37. Production variability and single word intelligibility in aphasia and apraxia of speech
  38. Evaluating the spectral distinction between sibilant fricatives through a speaker-centered approach
  39. Foreign accent syndrome due to conversion disorder: Phonetic analyses and clinical course
  40. Perception of the [m]-[n] distinction in consonant-vowel (CV) and vowel-consonant (VC) syllables produced by child and adult talkers
  41. Vowel duration as a cue to postvocalic stop voicing in aphasia and apraxia of speech
  42. Temporal and spectral properties of voiceless fricatives in aphasia and apraxia of speech
  43. Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI): assessment and treatment procedures used by speech-language pathologists (SLPs)
  44. Phonetic properties of aphasic-apraxic speech: A modified narrow transcription analysis
  45. Vowel quality in aphasia and apraxia of speech: Phonetic transcription and formant analyses
  46. Word Length and Vowel Duration in Apraxia of Speech: The Use of Relative Measures
  47. Precision of fricative production in aphasia and apraxia of speech: A perceptual and acoustic study
  48. Single word intelligibility in aphasia and apraxia of speech: A phonetic error analysis
  49. Single word intelligibility in aphasia and apraxia of speech
  50. Stop-consonant and vowel perception in 3- and 4-year-old children
  51. A developmental study of vowel perception from brief synthetic consonant–vowel syllables
  52. Stimulus Uncertainty and Speaker Normalization Processes in the Perception of Nasal Consonants
  53. A developmental study of the perception of onset spectra for stop consonants in different vowel environments