All Stories

  1. Stability Over Time of Word Syllable Duration for Speakers With Acquired Apraxia of Speech
  2. A Comparison of Sound Production Treatment and Metrical Pacing Therapy for Apraxia of Speech: A Single-Case Experimental Design
  3. The Impact of Telehealth on the Efficacy of Sound Production Treatment
  4. Pattern-Based Target Selection for Treatment of Irregular Past Tense: A Single-Case Experimental Design for Children With Developmental Language Disorder
  5. Participant Outcomes for CAAST when Administered via Telehealth
  6. Reproducibility in Small- N Treatment Research: A Tutorial Using Examples From Aphasiology
  7. Stability of Speech Intelligibility Measures Over Repeated Sampling Times in Speakers With Acquired Apraxia of Speech
  8. Sound Production Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech: An Examination of Dosage in Relation to Probe Performance
  9. Acquired Apraxia of Speech: Comparison of Electropalatography Treatment and Sound Production Treatment
  10. An Aphasia Treatment for Verbs With Low Concreteness: A Pilot Study
  11. Further Study of the Effects of Treatment Intensity on Outcomes of Sound Production Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech: Does Dose Frequency Matter?
  12. Effect Size Benchmarks for Response Elaboration Training: A Meta-Analysis
  13. Consonant and vowel distortions we hear in apraxia of speech: IV
  14. Sound Production Treatment: Synthesis and Quantification of Outcomes
  15. Semantic Feature Analysis: Further Examination of Outcomes
  16. The Aphasia Communication Outcome Measure (ACOM): Dimensionality, Item Bank Calibration, and Initial Validation
  17. Apraxia of speech systematic review
  18. Combined Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech Treatment (CAAST): Effects of a Novel Therapy
  19. Sound Production Treatment: Effects of Blocked and Random Practice
  20. Modified Response Elaboration Training: Application to Procedural Discourse and Personal Recounts
  21. Semantic Feature Analysis: Incorporating Typicality Treatment and Mediating Strategy Training to Promote Generalization
  22. Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech: Examination of Treatment Intensity and Practice Schedule
  23. Apraxia of Speech: Perceptual Analysis of Trisyllabic Word Productions Across Repeated Sampling Occasions
  24. Acquired Apraxia of Speech: The Effects of Repeated Practice and Rate/Rhythm Control Treatments on Sound Production Accuracy