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  1. Which countries have data on how long people sit per day?
  2. Secondary schools need support to become more physically active
  3. Which bits of a school physical activity program work and how?
  4. “Physical Activity 4 Everyone” – a scaled-up recipe for more active schools!
  5. A global physical activity research and practice conference
  6. Can the Target Set for Reducing Childhood Overweight and Obesity Be Met? A System Dynamics Modelling Study in New South Wales, Australia
  7. Whole-of-community interventions to reduce population-level harms arising from alcohol and other drug use: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  8. Alcohol management practices in community sporting clubs: Validation of an online self-report tool
  9. Association between Australian adolescent alcohol use and alcohol use risk and protective factors in 2011 and 2014
  10. Do mental health consumers want to improve their long-term disease risk behaviours? A survey of over 2000 psychiatric inpatients
  11. Dietary intake and physical activity levels of children attending Australian childcare services
  12. A multi-faceted intervention to reduce alcohol misuse and harm amongst sports people in Ireland: A controlled trial
  13. Did Physical Activity 4 Everyone work? | Efficacy Trial
  14. Facilitating police recording of the alcohol‐related characteristics of assault incidents: A stepped wedge implementation trial
  15. Reducing research waste and improving research impact
  16. Child physical activity levels and associations with modifiable characteristics in centre-based childcare
  17. Benefits of policy support of a healthy eating initiative in schools
  18. Is alcohol and community sport a good mix? Alcohol management, consumption and social capital in community sports clubs
  19. Household smoking behaviours and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke among infants: are current strategies effectively protecting our young?