All Stories

  1. Positive psychology pioneers: Kristin Neff’s power and potential to influence mental health nursing
  2. Autoethnography and mental health nursing
  3. Positive psychology pioneers: Ryan Niemiec’s power and potential to influence mental health nursing
  4. Positive psychology pioneers: Ed Diener’s power and potential to influence mental health nursing
  5. Positive psychology pioneers: Mihaly Csiksentmihalyi's potential to influence mental health nursing
  6. Positive Psychology Pioneers
  7. Positive psychology: hope and its role within mental health nursing
  8. Positive psychology: humour and its role within mental health nursing
  9. Positive psychology and the I-FLOW model of homeostatic wellbeing
  10. Positive psychology: resilience and its role within mental health nursing
  11. Positive psychology: self-compassion and mental health nurses
  12. Positive psychology: kindness and its role within mental health nursing
  13. Social connectivity as a vital component for ‘happiness’.c
  14. Positive psychology: gratitude and its role within mental health nursing
  15. Mindfulness and Mental Health Nurses
  16. The benefits of being aware of personal character strengths for mental health nurses
  17. Positive psychology for mental health nurses' wellbeing
  18. Positive Psychology for Mental health Nurses