All Stories

  1. Public Health Effects Resulting from Exposure to Air Caused by Limestone Industry
  2. Energy transition from total dependence on fossil to renewable energy in the Arabian Gulf region
  3. Impacts of reusing treated wastewater in agriculture in Arab countries, in view of climate change
  4. Cancer status in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: types; incidence; mortality; sex, age, and geography distribution; and possible causes
  5. Water strategies, water–food Nexus, and sustainability: challenges in various regions of the World
  6. Evaluation of the Stone and Marble Industry in Palestine: Various Perspectives and Sustainability
  7. The status of freshwater and reused treated wastewater for agricultural irrigation in Palestine
  8. Geopolitical Challenges, Complexities, and Future Uncertainties in Palestine
  9. Understanding the Sinkholes in the Dead Sea Basin - HILMI S. SALEM
  10. Digitization of the Health and Education Sectors in the Palestinian Society in View of UN's SDGs
  11. The Role of Palestinian Women in Agriculture in Rural Areas under Occupation - HILMI S. SALEM
  12. "Arid Land Systems Sciences and Societies: Potential for Enhanced Water Decoupling - HILMI S. SALEm
  13. No Sustainable Development in the Lack of Environmental Justice - HILMI S. SALEM
  14. Global Environment Outlook – GEO-6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People
  16. Pest Management and Droughts in Australia and Palestine - HILMI S. SALEM
  17. Geology and Economy of Oil Shale Deposits in Ethiopia and Jordan - HILMI S. SALEM
  18. Enhanced Water Decoupling: Water and Agriculture in the Jordan River Basin - HILMI S. SALEM
  19. Mining Industry Challenges in Developing and Developed Countries - HILMI S. SALEM
  20. Mining sector challenges in developing countries, Tigray, Ethiopia and inspirational success stories from Australia
  21. Renewable Energy: Wind Energy in the Continent of Africa - HILMI S. SALEM
  22. The Challenges (or Troubles) with Sustainability - HILMI S. SALEM
  23. Mediterranean Mountain Environments
  24. Impacts of Climate Change on Eastern Mediterranean - HILMI S. SALEM
  25. Disaster Mitigation Towards Sustainable Development - HILMI S. SALEM
  26. The Acoustic Coupling Factor of Biot's Theory of Elasticity - HILMI S. SALEM
  27. Lithology and Hydraulic Conductivity Modelling of Shallow Sediments - HILMI S. SALEM
  28. Formation Factor, Compressional Wave Velocity, and Porosity Relationships - HILMI S. SALEM
  29. Porosity, Resistivity Factor, Archie Factor, and Pore Geometry Factor - HILMI S. SALEM
  30. The Kozeny-Carman Equation for Permeability Determination - HILMI S. SALEM
  31. Clay Conductivity Influence on Electric Measurements of Glacial Aquifers - HILMI S. SALEM
  32. Using Compressional and Shear Wave Velocities to Investigate Shallow Sediments - HILMI S. SALEM
  33. The Poisson's Ratio and Porosity of Surface Soils and Shallow Sediments - HILMI S. SALEM
  34. Fluid-Flow Characterization of Porous Media (for the Example of the Jeanne d?Arc Basin Consolidated Reservoirs)
  35. Modeling of Porosity and Lithology for Complex Hydrocarbon Reservoirs - HILMI S. SALEM
  36. Water Saturation, Permeability, and Tortuosity for Shaly Sandstone Reservoirs - HILMI S. SALEM
  37. Influence of Porosity and Direction of Flow on Tortuosity - HILMI S. SALEM
  38. Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Tortuosity - HILMI S. SALEM
  39. Specific Surface Area and Mean Grain Size Determined from Well-Log Measurements - HILMI S. SALEM
  40. The Cementation Factor of the Archie's Equation - HILMI S. SALEM
  41. Determination of Specific Surface Area and Mean Grain Size of Reservoir Sediments - HILMI S. SALEM
  42. Fluid Transmissivity and Electric Transverse Resistance of Porous Media - HILMI S. SALEM
  43. Porous Media Anisotropic Behaviour on the case of Offshore Hydrocarbon Reservoirs - HILMI S. SALEM
  44. Electric and Hydraulic Anisotropy in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs - HILMI S. SALEM
  45. A budget of the surface and underground water in northern Jordan
  46. Water and Peace in the Middle East - Proceedings of the First Israeli-Palestinian International Academic Conference on Water
  47. Petrophysical, Electric, and Elastic Properties of Jeanne D'Arc Basin Reservoirs