All Stories

  1. Una società senza genere? Il potere trasformativo dell’utopia
  2. The Italian Non-model. Integrating Immigrant Labour in Practice
  3. CHAPTER 17 The Importance of the Locality in Opening Universities to Refugee Students
  4. Work-life balance and beyond: premises and challenges
  5. Introduction to the Research Handbook on Work-Life Balance
  6. Handbook on Research about Work-life balance
  7. Working for Gender Equality in the Neoliberal Academia: Between Theory and Practice
  8. Trabalhando pela Igualdade de Gênero na Academia Neoliberal: Entre a Teoria e a Prática
  9. Tavola rotonda. Solidarietà, Repubblica, Globalizzazione. Il filo rosso della solidarietà / Genesi e risorgenza della solidarietà femminista / L'ospitalità nei confronti del diverso: per una polis solidale / Globalizzazione e solidarietà
  10. Non siamo tutti uguali davanti al virus. Squilibri di genere nella pandemia
  11. Non siamo tutti uguali davanti al virus. Squilibri di genere nella pandemia
  12. Lavoro e digitalizzazione: introduzione alla sezione monografica
  13. Dalla parte di bambine e bambini: per il diritto ad un'educazione che fa la differenza
  14. The Precarisation of Research Careers: a Comparative Gender Analysis
  15. Gender and precarious careers in academia and research
  16. Deconstructing and challenging gender orders in organizations through narratives
  17. Beyond the gender-neutral approach
  18. Gender Politics in Academia in the Neoliberal Age
  19. Altre storie. Voci e temi emergenti nei primi dieci anni di Sociologia del lavoro
  20. The relevance of storywriting in order to afford processes of organizational change
  21. Work–life interferences in the stages of academic career.
  22. Fatherhood in Transition:
  23. Quando studiare non basta. Racconti di giovani highly skilled nel mercato del lavoro flessibile
  24. Rapporti occasionali di un certo genere
  25. Fathers' Stories of Resistance and Hegemony in Organizational Cultures
  26. The experience of parental leave as told by fathers
  27. Work/life transitions in the Italian public sector
  28. Vertical segregation and gender practices
  29. Casting the ‘Other’: Gender Citizenship in Politicians’ Narratives
  30. Book reviews
  31. Tales of Ordinary Leadership. A Feminist Approach to Experiential Learning
  32. Challenging Hegemonic Masculinities: Men's Stories on Gender Culture in Organizations
  33. Productive Reflection at Work
  34. Gender as social practice: doing, saying and performing gender relations
  35. An ethnographic study of the gender structuring of entrepreneurship
  36. The discursive construction of gender in politicians' narratives
  37. Gender and entrepreneurship as situated practices
  38. Entrepreneur‐mentality, gender and the study of women entrepreneurs
  39. Casting the other
  40. Who’s afraid of mothers?: Barbara Poggio
  41. Rules and the rituals by which gender is created and recreated in organisations
  42. The construction of gender in mainly male-dominated organisations.
  43. The symbolic roots of prejudice against motherhood in organisations.
  44. Moving societies and immobile organizational practices: the winding road of diversity management in Italy
  45. The Development of Diversity Management in the Italian Context: A Slow Process
  46. At Risk of Deskilling and Trapped by Passion
  47. Introduction