All Stories

  1. Reducing the incidence of domestic violence: An observational study of an equine‐assisted intervention
  2. A Study Exploring the Implementation of an Equine Assisted Intervention for Young People with Mental Health and Behavioural Issues
  3. An Exploration of the Mechanism of Action of an Equine-Assisted Intervention
  4. The supports needs of people living with Buruli ulcer
  5. Engaging with a healthy tourism “offer”: strategies to improve place perceptions
  6. Consumption of a High Quantity and a Wide Variety of Vegetables Are Predicted by Different Food Choice Motives in Older Adults from France, Italy and the UK
  7. Case study: Wellness, tourism and small business development in a UK coastal resort: Public engagement in practice
  8. What does care farming provide for clients? The views of care farm staff
  9. What are we eating? Consumer information requirement within a workplace canteen
  10. Efficacy of Telephone Information and Advice on Welfare: the Need for Realist Evaluation
  11. Progress in tourism and destination wellbeing research
  12. Exploring well-being as a tourism product resource
  13. Workplace foodservice; perception of quality and trust
  14. Increasing vegetable intakes: rationale and systematic review of published interventions
  15. An Exploration of an Equine-Facilitated Learning Intervention with Young Offenders
  16. An exploration of the perceptions of caring held by students entering nursing programmes in the United Kingdom: A longitudinal qualitative study phase 1
  17. An exploration of the fruit and vegetable “foodscape” in a university setting for staff
  18. Principles of Lifeworld Led Public Health Practice in the UK and Sweden: Reducing Health Inequalities
  19. Reducing social isolation and promoting well being in older people
  20. Tourism engaging with the public health agenda: Can we promote ‘wellville’ as a destination of choice?
  21. A European Union and Canadian Review of Public Health Nursing Preparation and Practice
  22. Can humanization theory contribute to the philosophical debate in public health?
  23. Surfing the net for public health resources
  24. The emergence of public health open educational resources
  25. Innovating to achieve sustainable wellbeing inside the built environment
  26. An emerging model for publishing and using open educational resources in public health
  27. Lifeworld-led care: Is it relevant for well-being and the fifth wave of public health action?
  28. Enabling nursing students to focus on the Ottawa Charter and the nurses role in tackling inequalities in health through international exchange
  29. Enhancing cultural competence: Trans-Atlantic experiences of European and Canadian nursing students
  30. Using practice development methodology to develop children’s centre teams: Ideas for the future
  31. Determinants of coronary heart disease risk for women on a low income: literature review