All Stories

  1. arts based pedagogies
  2. Learning through Art: International Perspectives
  3. arts education
  4. Article about art education
  5. Education Through Art
  6. Learning Through Art: Lessons for the 21st century?
  7. Autobiographical essay of an art educator
  8. Essays about the Project _ Collaborative Books
  9. artist collaborative books
  10. Interview with Teresa Torres Eca by Dolores Soto Gonzalez.
  11. Advocacy and Networking for Education through Art
  12. chapter about art education,
  13. Article about art education
  14. Art and citizenship in education.
  15. Article about socio-emotional development through the arts.
  16. Arts based research article,
  17. Article about art education curricula.
  18. Paper about art education, freedom and digital era,
  19. Art education networks.
  20. Essay about the impact of connectivism and opportunities for networking.
  21. C3: ações, interações e acontecimentos: arte educadoras entre ativismo, arte e educação
  22. Transforming practices and inquiry in-between arts, arts education and research
  23. Drawings of youth: common expectations and different perspectives
  24. Teenager drawings from 5 continents
  25. Chemins croisés : un regard sur l'éducation artistique en partant d'InSEA
  26. Educação através da arte para um futuro sustentável
  27. Drawings from Ikeda City
  28. Introduction
  29. Twelve Visions of the World: Drawings from Young People in Different Parts of the World
  30. Using Portfolios for External Assessment: An Experiment in Portugal