What is it about?
Nursing has often been maligned and criticized, both inside and outside of the profession, for its ability to understand and conduct effective health promotion and health education‐related activities. In the absence of an expert‐based consensus, nurses may find it difficult to progress beyond the current situation. In the absence of any previously published nursing‐related consensus research, this study seeks to fill that knowledge‐gap - through arriving at an expert consensus in relation to health promotion and health education constructs as they apply to nursing practice, education and policy.
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Why is it important?
This study provides a hitherto previously absent expert consensus on the current position of health promotion and health education, in nursing and predictions for their future course. Its findings represent an important step for nurses as they seek to become increasingly active and influential within wider health promotion and health education arenas.
Delphi studies do not necessarily offer indisputable fact. This study, however, with its strong consensus on the majority of original statements is a good indicator as to how nursing experts currently view health promotion and health education constructs. Expert consensus offers a useful form of measure against current and future clinical practice and helps to build a firm foundation for change. Nurses (and other allied health professionals), then, are advised here to refer to the findings presented, that they remain contextually and conceptually clear, as they embark on current and future health promotion‐related activities.
Dr Dean Whitehead
Flinders University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: An international Delphi study examining health promotion and health education in nursing practice, education and policy, Journal of Clinical Nursing, April 2008, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2007.02079.x.
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