What is it about?

This study uses the framework of customer dominant logic to explore the mediating role of service co-creation on the relationships between customer involvement and perceived service performance and between customer involvement and word-of-mouth (WOM). It also investigates the moderating role of customer relational-motivational orientation on the relationship between customer involvement and service co-creation.

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Why is it important?

The study is one of the first to identify customer involvement as a key antecedent of service co-creation attributes and the moderating role of relational-motivational orientation on the relationships between customer involvement and service co-creation attributes. The study's findings provide implications to managers on how to facilitate an environment that stimulates customer co-creation. Customer-contact employees must be trained with the necessary interpersonal skills to serve customers with different levels of relational-motivational orientation.


Service co-creation has been under-studied in collectivistic culture where people are focused on building and maintaining strong interpersonal relations. The study's findings demonstrated that firms should train their front-line employees to identify different levels of customers' relational-motivation orientation and offer different opportunities for co-creation to customers accordingly. Additionally, the study's findings illustrated that the freedom of co-creation and the degree of collaboration are two key dimensions of co-creation.

Professor W.M. To
Macao Polytechnic University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The effects of customer involvement on perceived service performance and word-of-mouth: the mediating role of service co-creation, Asia Pacific International Journal of Marketing, August 2020, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/apjml-04-2020-0221.
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