What is it about?

In this work we aim to describe the oscillatory phenomenon of turbulent plane opposing impinging jets issuing into a cubical cavity under crossflow. The flow dynamics of the impinging jets exhibit a 3D unsteady behavior with a flapping motion dominated by pronounced an uneven spanwise fluctuations. The results confirm that the oscillations are self-sustained by the periodic pressurizing and release of pressure in the impingement region triggered by the crossflow penetration near the cavity walls and by the periodic motion of the eddies that change in size when fed by the defleted jets.

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Why is it important?

It describes the significant role of the jets' exit velocity on the global response of the switching jets under crossflow.


I hope the results of this article provide a sound basis for the numerical simulation of confined planar opposed imnpinging jets. In addition, these results might be applicable to their stability analysis.

Dr. Lorenzo Martínez-Suástegui
Instituto Politecnico Nacional

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Three-dimensional deflecting oscillation of turbulent planar opposed jets confined in an open cavity under crossflow, Physics of Fluids, October 2020, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0021501.
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