All Stories

  1. Deep learning-based IDH1 gene mutation prediction using histopathological imaging and clinical data
  2. Hyperspectral image restoration using noise gradient and dual priors under mixed noise conditions
  3. Review of various color image denoising and filtering methods
  4. Artificial intelligence image-based prediction models in IBD exhibit high risk of bias: A systematic review
  5. Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis Treatment Response using Diagnostic Histopathology
  6. Trends of polio research globally from 1857 to 2019
  7. Global Trends and Collaborations in Dengue Virus Research: A Scientometric and Bibliometric Overview (1872–2019)
  8. Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Automatic Morse Code Based Communication Recognition with Eye Tracking
  9. Antimicrobial resistence prediction using metagenomic sequencing
  10. Higher order neurons effects on dense layers in neural networks and how they perform
  11. DIBS: distance- and intensity-based separation filter for high-density impulse noise removal
  12. LRAP: Layered Ring Based Adaptive and Personalized Usability Model for Mobile Commerce Apps
  13. maxATAC: Genome-scale transcription-factor binding prediction from ATAC-seq with deep neural networks
  15. Decision level integration of unimodal and multimodal single cell data with scTriangulate
  16. Simulation of content based on image retrieval for financial institutions
  17. Building novel approach for context-based image retrieval in the area of healthcare
  18. Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Bronchopulmonary dysplasia in neonates
  19. Signal Approximations Based on Nonlinear and Optimal Piecewise Affine Functions
  20. On compacton traveling wave solutions of Zakharov-Kuznetsov-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (ZK-BBM) equation
  21. Compression of 3 dimensional radiology images
  22. CellDrift: inferring perturbation responses in temporally sampled single-cell data
  23. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Agriculture Applications
  24. Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions
  25. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Agriculture Technology
  26. CellDrift: Inferring Perturbation Responses in Temporally-Sampled Single Cell Data
  27. Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Class Segmentation of Lung Confocal IF Images
  28. maxATAC: genome-scale transcription-factor binding prediction from ATAC-seq with deep neural networks
  29. Ensemble Learning for Data-Driven Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  30. Multimodal data ecosystem for exploring the lung structures
  31. A Durable Anatomy with Local Plasticity Enables Normal and Stress Hematopoiesis
  32. scTriangulate: Decision-level integration of multimodal single-cell data
  33. Using machine learning to detect catheter tip positions in radiology reports
  34. AI model to diagnose COVID-19 from X-ray images
  35. Summarization of website's privacy policies using text mining and machine learning
  36. On a hybrid lossless compression technique for three‐dimensional medical images
  37. Review of compression of 2D and 3D medical imaging data
  38. AI models to predict immunogenicity of peptides for T-cell immunity.
  39. Review of recent color image denoising models
  40. Comparison of Various Machine Learning Models to Identify Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Tip Position from Radiology Reports
  41. Volume estimation of brain tissues from MRIs to help Alzheimer's disease detection
  42. An atlas for cell differentiation in the bone marrow
  43. Skin lesion segmentation method for dermoscopic images with convolutional neural networks and semantic segmentation
  44. On Numerical Implementation of the Laplace Equation-Based Image Inpainting
  45. Single Image Dehazing with Optimal Color Channels and Nonlinear Transformation
  46. An adaptive image inpainting method based on euler's elastica with adaptive parameters estimation and the discrete gradient method
  47. Multiregion Multiscale Image Segmentation with Anisotropic Diffusion
  48. Dermoscopic image segmentation method based on convolutional neural networks
  49. DeepImmuno: Deep learning-empowered prediction and generation of immunogenic peptides for T cell immunity
  50. Impulse denoising based on noise accumulation and harmonic analysis techniques
  51. Compression artifacts reduction with multiscale tensor regularization
  52. Dynamic Increased Capacity Approach Steganography in Spatial Domain
  53. Improving seller–customer communication process using word embeddings
  54. A two-stage filter for high density salt and pepper denoising
  55. Second Order Monotone Difference Schemes with Approximation on Non-Uniform Grids for Two-Dimensional Quasilinear Parabolic Convection-Diffusion Equations
  56. Scientometric analysis of social science and science disciplines in a developing nation: a case study of Pakistan in the last decade
  57. An adaptive method for image restoration based on high-order total variation and inverse gradient
  58. Correction: OpinionML—Opinion Markup Language for Sentiment Representation Symmetry 2019, 11, 545
  59. Computing body mass index (BMI) from face images
  60. Adaptive Thresholding Skin Lesion Segmentation with Gabor Filters and Principal Component Analysis
  61. Location Verification Technique for Cluster Based Geographical Routing in MANET
  62. Edge detection of digital images with gradients and information theory
  63. Image processing based melanoma skin cancer detection from photographs
  64. An Adaptive Image Inpainting Method Based on the Weighted Mean
  65. Choosing Mutation and Crossover Ratios for Genetic Algorithms—A Review with a New Dynamic Approach
  66. Adaptive Total Variation L1 Regularization for Salt and Pepper Image Denoising
  67. An Image Inpainting Method Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median
  68. Image Denoising with Overlapping Group Sparsity and Second Order Total Variation Regularization
  69. Adaptive Texts Deconvolution Method for Real Natural Images
  70. Review of usability aspects in creating mobile apps for children
  71. Optimal Nonlinear Signal Approximations Based on Piecewise Constant Functions
  72. Review of various nuclei segmentation methods applicable to pathology images.
  73. Automatic Initial Boundary Generation Methods Based on Edge Detectors for the Level Set Function of the Chan-Vese Segmentation Model and Applications in Biomedical Image Processing
  74. A Fast Denoising Algorithm for X-Ray Images with Variance Stabilizing Transform
  75. BREAK, MAKE and TAKE: an information retrieval approach
  76. Comparison of various distance measures for k-nearest neighbor classifier in machine learning
  77. Generation of fashionable clothes using generative adversarial networks
  78. Analysis of a robust edge detection system in different color spaces using color and depth images
  79. Video denoising with adaptive temporal averaging
  80. A Review on CT and X-Ray Images Denoising Methods
  81. New Features for Eye-Tracking Systems: Preliminary Results
  83. OpinionML—Opinion Markup Language for Sentiment Representation
  84. An adaptive image inpainting method based on the modified mumford-shah model and multiscale parameter estimation
  85. A Skin Lesion Segmentation Method for Dermoscopic Images Based on Adaptive Thresholding with Normalization of Color Models
  86. Structure tensor adaptive total variation for image restoration
  87. LISA: Lightweight context-aware IoT service architecture
  88. Distorted Image Reconstruction Method with Trimmed Median
  89. An Improved BPDF Filter for High Density Salt and Pepper Denoising
  90. Design and Construction of a Light-Detecting and Obstacle-Sensing Robot for IoT—Preliminary Feasibility Study
  91. Detecting edges from digital images at multiple scales using
  92. On Video Based Human Abnormal Activity Detection with Histogram of Oriented Gradients
  93. Total Variation L1 Fidelity Salt-and-Pepper Denoising with Adaptive Regularization Parameter
  94. An Improved Genetic Algorithm with a New Initialization Mechanism Based on Regression Techniques
  95. On Computerizing the Ancient Game of Ṭāb
  96. On Selecting the Appropriate Scale in Image Selective Smoothing by Nonlinear Diffusion
  97. Regularization Parameter Selection in Image Restoration with Inverse Gradient: Single Scale or Multiscale?
  98. Automatic Image and Video Analysis for Capsule Endoscopy - An Open Frontier
  99. AI for brain tumor classification from tissue images
  100. Glioma Subtypes Clustering Method using Histopathological Image Analysis
  101. Magnetic energy-based feature extraction for low-quality fingerprint images
  102. SentiML ++: an extension of the SentiML sentiment annotation scheme
  103. On time adaptive critical variable exponent vectorial diffusion flows and their applications in image processing I: Analysis
  104. Deep learning based computer-aided diagnosis for neuroimaging data: focused review and future potential
  105. An Algorithm for Data Hiding in Radiographic Images and ePHI/R Application
  106. An Algorithm for Data Hiding in Radiographic Images and ePHI/R Application
  107. Development of a Web Based Image Annotation Tool for Lung Immunofluorescent Confocal Images
  108. Measuring Bone Density Connectivity Using Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Images
  109. Enhanced Multi-View Point Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Clustering for Clinical Documents Analysis
  110. Image Restoration With Total Variation and Iterative Regularization Parameter Estimation
  111. On Spatial Relations for Non-small Cells Lungs Cancer Interpretation
  112. 3D workflow for segmentation and interactive visualization in brain MR images using multiphase active contours
  113. Improving the generalization of disease stage classification with deep CNN for Glioma histopathological images
  114. Near-light perspective shape from shading for 3D visualizations in endoscopy systems
  115. Image denoising by anisotropic diffusion with inter-scale information fusion
  116. A mathematical method for denoising X-ray images
  117. Microvasculature segmentation of arterioles using deep CNN
  118. Glioblastoma multiforme tissue histopathology images based disease stage classification with deep CNN
  119. A Probabilistic Fusion Framework for 3-D Reconstruction Using Heterogeneous Sensors
  120. Review of Computational Methods on Brain Symmetric and Asymmetric Analysis from Neuroimaging Techniques
  121. Victory sign biometrie for terrorists identification: Preliminary results
  122. On convergent finite difference schemes for variational–PDE-based image processing
  123. Classification and gender recognition from veiled-faces
  124. Classification and gender recognition from veiled-faces
  125. Review of abnormal polyps detection and segmentations from wireless capsule endoscopy videos
  126. HEp-2 cell classification and segmentation using motif texture patterns and spatial features with random forests
  127. Review of Computational Methods on Brain Symmetric and Asymmetric Analysis from Neuroimaging Techniques
  128. App Review Series: Radiology Pocket Game
  129. Assisted ground truth generation using interactive segmentation on a visualization and annotation tool
  130. Csang: continuous scale anisotropic Gaussians for robust linear structure extraction
  131. Video haze removal and poisson blending based mini-mosaics for wide area motion imagery
  132. Confocal vessel structure segmentation with optimized feature bank and random forests
  133. Letter to the Editor: Brief history of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): from electric fishes to microcontrollers
  134. Random forests for dura mater microvasculature segmentation using epifluorescence images
  135. Multiquadric spline-based interactive segmentation of vascular networks
  136. A study on feature extraction and disease stage classification for Glioma pathology images
  137. Color image processing by vectorial total variation with gradient channels coupling
  138. Segmenting the brain hemispheres from radiology images
  139. A Study on Nuclei Segmentation, Feature Extraction and Disease Stage Classification for Human Brain Histopathological Images
  140. Heterogeneous Multi-View Information Fusion: Review of 3-D Reconstruction Methods and a New Registration with Uncertainty Modeling
  141. Adaptive Nonlocal Filtering for Brain MRI Restoration
  142. Mixed Noise Removal Using Hybrid Fourth Order Mean Curvature Motion
  143. Automatic Mucosa Detection in Video Capsule Endoscopy with Adaptive Thresholding
  144. Methods on Skull Stripping of MRI Head Scan Images—a Review
  145. Multiscale Tikhonov-Total Variation Image Restoration Using Spatially Varying Edge Coherence Exponent
  146. On Optimal Multi-Sensor Network Configuration for 3D Registration
  147. Vascularization features for polyp localization in capsule endoscopy
  148. Cell nuclei segmentation in glioma histopathology images with color decomposition based active contours
  149. Feature extraction and disease stage classification for Glioma histopathology images
  150. Analysis of adaptive forward-backward diffusion flows with applications in image processing
  151. Robust Periocular Recognition by Fusing Sparse Representations of Color and Geometry Information
  152. Multiscale tensor anisotropic filtering of fluorescence microscopy for denoising microvasculature
  153. Image Inpainting with Modified F-Transform
  154. Image Restoration with Fuzzy Coefficient Driven Anisotropic Diffusion
  155. Color Image Restoration with Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Model Driven Nonlocal Filter
  156. Automatic Contrast Enhancement for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos with Spectral Optimal Contrast-Tone Mapping
  157. Automatic Image Segmentation for Video Capsule Endoscopy
  158. Elastic body spline based image segmentation
  159. Fast and globally convex multiphase active contours for brain MRI segmentation
  160. Multi-focus image fusion using epifluorescence microscopy for robust vascular segmentation
  161. Design of a Novel Servo-motorized Laser Device for Visual Pathways Diseases Therapies Based on Neuroplasticity
  162. Feature fusion and label propagation for textured object video segmentation
  163. Weighted and well-balanced anisotropic diffusion scheme for image denoising and restoration
  164. Radar shadow detection in synthetic aperture radar images using digital elevation model and projections
  165. Automatic Contrast Parameter Estimation in Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Restoration
  166. Feature preserving anisotropic diffusion for image restoration
  167. Robust periocular recognition by fusing local to holistic sparse representations
  168. On a System of Adaptive Coupled PDEs for Image Restoration
  169. Texture image segmentation with smooth gradients and local information
  170. A Segmentation Model and Application to Endoscopic Images
  172. Multichannel texture image segmentation using local feature fitting based variational active contours
  173. Weighted laplacian differences based multispectral anisotropic diffusion
  174. Abnormal polyp detection from wireless capsule endoscopy videos
  175. A well-posed multiscale regularization scheme for digital image denoising
  176. Multispectral image denoising by well-posed anisotropic diffusion scheme with channel coupling
  177. A hybrid convex variational model for image restoration
  178. Well-Posed Inhomogeneous Nonlinear Diffusion Scheme for Digital Image Denoising
  179. Restoring digital images without ringing artifacts
  180. Color image segmentation in a multiscale manner
  181. Edge Detectors Based Anisotropic Diffusion for Enhancement of Digital Images
  182. Controlled Inverse Diffusion Models for Image Restoration and Enhancement