All Stories

  1. Coercive control in a national U.S. self-report survey: Prediction of repeated intimate partner violence.
  2. The ODARA is a useful tool in domestic violence threat assessment
  3. Coercive control predicts more severe domestic violence
  4. Burnout plays important role in nurses' mental health
  5. Forensic custody decisions change in response to patients' changing clinical presentation
  6. Childhood adversity related to suicide attempts among men in forensic hospital
  7. Adverse work environment contributes to PTSD in forensic psychiatric staff
  8. High needs for domestic violence treatment among men with high ODARA scores
  9. Initial evidence to support PTSD prevention programs for nurses
  10. ODARA now validated in the United States
  11. Risk factors for trauma among psychiatric workers
  12. Psychiatric workers suffer from violence and vicarious trauma on the job
  13. Trauma among psychiatric workers
  14. Mental health workers seek validation and trauma-informed support after workplace violence
  15. Graphs can help people identify individuals most at risk of sexual offending
  16. Young adults in an adult forensic institution
  17. Individuals referred for threat assessment are at relatively high risk for reoffending
  18. Psychiatric Workers Face Barriers to Getting Help for PTSD
  19. Critical Events and Chronic Stress Both Increase PTSD among Psychiatric Workers
  20. The ODARA can be used to identify high priority cases for domestic violence treatment
  21. Tool may help prevent use of seclusion for psychiatric patients
  22. Habit-forming drugs often used instead of psychotherapy for psychiatric inpatients
  23. Failure to identify substance-use treatment needs
  24. Two paths to becoming a forensic patient
  25. Men who use domestic violence have criminogenic treatment needs
  26. PTSD among Psychiatric Hospital Workers
  27. Childhood abuse not a treatment priority for domestic offenders
  28. Graphs can help improve violence risk communication
  29. Intimate partner violence offenders commit a broad range of crimes
  30. The increasing influence of risk assessment on forensic patient review board decisions.
  31. Actuarial assessment in serial intimate partner violence: Comment on Cook, Murray, Amat, and Hart.
  32. Preliminary Validation of the ODARA for Female Intimate Partner Violence Offenders
  33. Weapon Use Increases the Severity of Domestic Violence but Neither Weapon Use nor Firearm Access Increases the Risk or Severity of Recidivism
  34. Predictors of recidivism by stalkers: A nine-year follow-up of police contacts
  35. Explaining the Frequency of Intimate Partner Violence By Male Perpetrators
  36. Intimate Partner Homicide: Risk Assessment and Prospects for Prediction
  37. Risk Assessment Among Incarcerated Male Domestic Violence Offenders
  38. How Nonrecidivism Affects Predictive Accuracy
  39. Does Using Nonnumerical Terms to Describe Risk Aid Violence Risk Communication?
  40. An indepth actuarial assessment for wife assault recidivism: The Domestic violence risk appraisal guide.
  41. The Effect of Arrest On Wife Assault Recidivism
  42. Children killed by genetic parents versus stepparents☆
  43. Coercive and Precocious Sexuality as a Fundamental Aspect of Psychopathy
  44. Sixty-Six Years of Research on the Clinical Versus Actuarial Prediction of Violence
  45. Clinicians understand and use actuarial risk information
  46. "A brief actuarial assessment for the prediction of wife assault recidivism: The Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment": Correction to Hilton et al. (2004).
  47. A Brief Actuarial Assessment for the Prediction of Wife Assault Recidivism: The Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment.
  48. Correspondence Between Self-Report Measures of Interpersonal Aggression
  49. The Role of Attitudes and Awareness in Anti-Violence Education
  50. When is an assault not an assault? The Canadian public's attitudes towards wife and stranger assault
  51. Domestic Violence Risk Appraisal Guide
  52. Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment
  53. Criminal justice responses to partner violence: History, evaluation, and lessons learned.
  54. Implementing actuarial risk assessment.