All Stories

  1. An analysis of how critical thinking is understood in business education
  2. New Directions in the Teaching of Critical Thinking
  3. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 1973–2018: an analytical retrospective
  4. Australasian Journal of Philosophy 1947–2016: a retrospective using citation analysis
  5. Geographies of influence: a citation network analysis of Higher Education 1972–2014
  6. Academy of Management Journal, 1958–2014: a citation analysis
  7. Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education
  8. A Model of Critical Thinking in Higher Education
  9. Studies in Higher Education 1976–2013: a retrospective using citation network analysis
  10. Idealist Origins: 1920s and Before
  11. Is critical thinking a subject-specific skill or a general skill?
  12. Study skills for international postgraduates, by Martin Davies
  13. Computer-Aided Argument Mapping as a Tool for Teaching Critical Thinking
  14. Computer-aided argument mapping
  15. Computer-Aided Argument Mapping and the Teaching of Critical Thinking
  16. Introduction to the special issue on critical thinking in higher education
  17. The effectiveness of a single intervention of computer‐aided argument mapping in a marketing and a financial accounting subject
  18. Study Skills for International Postgraduates
  19. Getting Started as a Postgraduate
  20. Writing Style and Language
  21. The Research Process
  22. What Next? Completing a Ph.D.
  23. Writing a Research Proposal
  24. Preparing the Research Essay
  25. Critical Thinking
  26. Referencing: The Importance of Acknowledgement
  27. Plagiarism and Paraphrasing
  28. Writing an Empirical Report
  29. Reading: A Complex Skill
  30. Writing a Research Essay
  31. Time Management, Getting Organised
  32. Writing a Literature Review
  33. Managing Information Collected
  34. The Final Polish: Editing and Proofreading
  35. Speaking to Your Supervisor or Lecturer
  36. Writing Critical Reviews: A Step-by-Step Guide
  37. Giving a Paper and Presenting in a Tutorial
  38. Concept mapping, mind mapping and argument mapping: what are the differences and do they matter?
  39. Introduction
  40. Chapter 1 Interdisciplinary higher education
  41. A systematic analysis of quality of teaching surveys
  42. A Case Study of Teaching Marketing Research Using Client-Sponsored Projects
  43. Computer-assisted argument mapping: a rationale approach
  44. Groupwork as a form of assessment: common problems and recommended solutions
  45. ‘Not quite right’: helping students to make better arguments
  47. Cognitive contours: recent work on cross-cultural psychology and its relevance for education
  48. An ‘infusion’ approach to critical thinking: Moore on the critical thinking debate
  49. Commercialism and the 'New' Universities
  50. Sir William Mitchell and the ‘new mysterianism’
  51. Of Eskimos and Hamburgers
  52. Systematic Influences on Teaching Evaluations: The Case for Caution
  53. Introduction