All Stories

  1. Self-Regulation, Self-Efficacy, and Fear of Failure Interactions with How Novices Use LLMs to Solve Programming Problems
  2. Computer Science Concepts and Practices in Integrated Computing Curricula
  3. Applying CS0/CS1 Student Success Factors and Outcomes to Biggs' 3P Educational Model
  4. 10 Things Software Developers Should Learn about Learning
  5. Toward CS1 Content Subscales: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of an Introductory Computing Assessment
  6. Benefits of Failure on Neuroplasticity and Tools for Persistence
  7. Self-Regulation and Metacognition Strategies in Computer Science and Programming Education
  8. A Review of International Models of Computer Science Teacher Education
  9. Subgoals for CS1 in Python
  10. Getting By With Help From My Friends: Group Study in Introductory Programming Understood as Socially Shared Regulation
  11. Models for Computer Science Teacher Preparation
  12. Instructional Design to Support Student Learning
  13. Effect of Implementing Subgoals in's Intro to Programming Unit in Computer Science Principles
  14. Metacognition and Self-Regulation in Computer Science and Programming Education
  15. The Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research Summarized in 75 minutes
  16. Training Spatial Skills to Improve Achievement in STEM Fields
  17. Training Spatial Skills to Improve Achievement in STEM Fields
  18. Using the SOLO Taxonomy to Understand Subgoal Labels Effect in CS1
  19. Guest Editorial
  20. Negotiating Varied Research Goals in Computing Education Research
  21. Using Subgoal Labeling in Teaching CS1
  22. The Relationship Between Learner Characteristics and Student Outcomes in a Middle School Computing Course: An Exploratory Analysis Using Structural Equation Modeling
  23. Review of measurements used in computing education research and suggestions for increasing standardization
  24. Socioeconomic Status and Computer Science Achievement
  25. Finding the Best Types of Guidance for Constructing Self-Explanations of Subgoals in Programming
  26. Using Learners' Self-Explanations of Subgoals to Guide Initial Problem Solving in App Inventor