All Stories

  1. Bridging the Gap Between GPDR and Software Development: The MATERIALIST Framework
  2. A Human–AI interaction paradigm and its application to rhinocytology
  3. Bridging the Gap Between GPDR and Software Development: The MATERIALIST Framework
  4. 1st Workshop on Child-Centered AI for Empowering Creative and Inclusive Learning Experiences
  5. To Automate or To Augment Humans? That is the Question for AI, and The Answer Depends on Users
  6. Unlocking Insights into Alzheimer’s Diagnosis with Multi-modal Imaging Models
  7. From Images to Insight: How AI Helps Detect Brain Tumors
  8. Improving Customer Service Through Rapid Prototyping of Data Exploration Chatbots
  9. Digital Modeling for Everyone: Exploring How Novices Approach Voice-Based 3D Modeling
  10. Exploring the Current Solutions for Developing AI By Ourselves
  11. SERENE: a Web platform for the UX semi-automatic evaluation of website
  12. Detection of Dementia Through 3D Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Amyloid PET
  13. Detecting Emotions Through Machine Learning for Automatic UX Evaluation