All Stories

  1. “Crafting your own success”: a time-lagged study on the mediating role of job crafting dimensions in the relationship between protean career and career success
  2. Employability Development during Internships: A Three-Wave Study on a Sample of Psychology Graduates in Italy
  3. Spillover and crossover effects of social support through work-family balance: a time-lagged analysis in Italian dyads
  4. Don’t worry, be happy! Positive affect at work, greater balance at home. A daily diary study on work-family balance
  5. Developing a sustainable career through discourse: a qualitative study on a group of Italian project managers
  6. Human Resource Management Practices Perception and Career Success: The Mediating Roles of Employability and Extra-Role Behaviors
  7. The Association of Job and Family Resources and Demands with Life Satisfaction through Work–Family Balance: A Longitudinal Study among Italian Schoolteachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  8. The route to employability: a longitudinal study on a sample of Italian job seekers
  9. I want to learn more! Integrating technology acceptance and task–technology fit models for predicting behavioural and future learning intentions
  10. Psychometrics properties of the French version of the van Dam's Employability Questionnaire
  11. Gender Patterns in Mobbing Victims: Differences in Negative Act Perceptions, MMPI Personality Profile, Perceived Quality of Life, and Suicide Risk
  12. Career Competencies and Career Success: On the Roles of Employability Activities and Academic Satisfaction During the School-to-Work Transition
  13. Ethical Climate(s), Distributed Leadership, and Work Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Organizational Identification
  14. Employability as a compass for career success: a time‐lagged test of a causal model
  15. A Time-Lagged Examination of the Greenhaus and Allen Work-Family Balance Model
  16. A psychometric examination of the work-family balance scale. A multisample study on Italian workers
  17. Distributed Leadership Agency and Work Outcomes: Validation of the Italian DLA and Its Relations With Commitment, Trust, and Satisfaction
  18. Work-family organizational support as a predictor of work-family conflict, enrichment, and balance: Crossover and spillover effects in dual-income couples
  19. Career success of project managers
  20. The associations between workplace bullying and physical or psychological negative symptoms: Anxiety and depression as mediators
  21. The “dark side” of organisational career growth
  22. Employability as a compass for career success: development and initial validation of a new multidimensional measure
  23. Organizational citizenship behaviors in the era of changing employment patterns
  24. To Be or Not to be Temp? An Analysis of the Moderating Role of Motives for Accepting Temporary Employment
  25. Corrigendum: A Crossover Study From a Gender Perspective: The Relationship Between Job Insecurity, Job Satisfaction, and Partners' Family Life Satisfaction
  26. A Crossover Study From a Gender Perspective: The Relationship Between Job Insecurity, Job Satisfaction, and Partners’ Family Life Satisfaction
  27. On the Effects of Ethical Climate(s) on Employees’ Behavior: A Social Identity Approach
  28. “Because I am worth it and employable”: A cross-cultural study on self-esteem and employability orientation as personal resources for psychological well-being at work
  29. Are freelancers a breed apart? The role of protean and boundaryless career attitudes in employability and career success
  30. The associations of quantitative/qualitative job insecurity and well-being: The role of self-esteem.
  31. Occupations at Risk and Organizational Well-Being: An Empirical Test of a Job Insecurity Integrated Model
  32. With a little help from my family: A mixed-method study on the outcomes of family support and workload
  33. Are support and control beneficial stress buffers in the presence of work–family barriers? Findings from Italy.
  34. A comprehensive theoretical model on employability
  35. The Italian Version of the Career Factors Inventory
  36. An Examination of the Structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (Short Form) Among Italian High School Students
  37. The Interactive Effects of Job Resources and Motivations to Volunteer Among a Sample of Italian Volunteers
  38. Boundaryless Careers and Occupational Wellbeing
  39. Snakes and ladders: stressing the role of meta-competencies for post-modern careers