What is it about?
The trends in deaths are important to both the life insurance, pension and health care industries. International deaths are showing evidence for on/off switching which is a new mechanism not previously characterized. But what is causing the on/off switching and why are the implications not being widely discussed? Deaths are related to health care demand via the nearness to death effect in which half of a person's lifetime inpatient occurs in the last year of life demand
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Why is it important?
End-of-life related costs and demand clearly depend on the trends in deaths
While these trends are directly relevant to UK HNS costs it would seem that policy makers are avoiding a discussion of these findings because they cut across policy and implementation. However, what if it transpired that these trends were the actual cause of the unexplained cost pressures?
Dr Rodney P Jones
Healthcare Analysis & Forecasting
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: A need for transparency and evidence-based discussion, Journal of Paramedic Practice, May 2019, Mark Allen Group,
DOI: 10.12968/jpar.2019.11.5.219.
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