What is it about?
this paper is to explore the relationship between organizational learning and patient safety culture in hospital pharmacy settings as determined by the learning organization survey short-form (LOS-27) and pharmacy survey on patient safety culture instruments and to further explore how dimensions of organizational learning relate to dimensions of pharmacy patient safety culture.
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Why is it important?
This study is an attempt at bridging this gap by exploring the relationship between the dimensions of organizational learning and pharmacy patient safety culture. In addition, an attempt was made to highlight which elements of organizational learning dimensions drive which components of the pharmacy patient safety culture with the aim of assisting hospital pharmacies in understanding the manner in which organizational learning impacts safety culture in health-care settings
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Organizational learning and patient safety: hospital pharmacy settings, Journal of Health Organization and Management, September 2019, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/jhom-11-2018-0319.
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