What is it about?
We know that almost half of melanoma patients carry a mutation named BRAF. We tried to identify if there is a connection between control of regional melanoma relapse with a regional therapy called ILP and the mutation among patients treated in our institution for the last 10 years. We identified patients treated and looked at their mutational status. We then checked how did they respond to the treatment and what was their survival. We found no differences among the 2 groups and actually this was in accordance with 2 previously reported studies.
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Why is it important?
In this new era of targeted therapies there has been an enormous development of medications that could help fighting a deadly cancer such as melanoma. There are already so called anti BRAF agents with encouraging results against the debase especially in advance stages. Research is ongoing and it is important to identify the impact of these treatment in the context of already existing therapies as ILP. Finding no relation to mutation does not necessarily mean that this is not important. We actually believe that if we can combine these specific treatments against BRAF mutation in the group of patients with positive BRAF status, could lead to better response and survival.
We believe that combining ILP and anti BRAF agents could promote respons and prolong survival for BRAF positive patients. Further prospective studies are necessary.
Dimitrios Katsraelias
Sahlgrenska University Hospital Department of surgery
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: BRAF status as a predictive factor for response in isolated limb perfusion, International Journal of Hyperthermia, January 2019, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/02656736.2019.1601778.
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