What is it about?
Compact, high-performance (i.e., high power per unit of weight and/or volume), centimeter- and millimeter- wave amplifying vacuum electronic devices use sheet or flat (ribbon) electron beam. To compete with self-oscillating magnetrons in power and compactness such devices need to be energized with a correspondingly designed electron gun as an injector (or source) of electrons at comparable perveance.
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Why is it important?
We have shown for the first time that a low-loss, high aspect ratio (>12), diode-type electron gun (E-gun) can be built to energize such devices using the same pulsed power supplies (modulators) designed for common or conventional magnetrons having similar beam current and voltage (perveance).
The parameters measured open significant potential for emerging low-voltage (<25kV) applications such as X-band sheet beam klystrons (SBK), sheet beam traveling wave tubes ( TWT), sheet beam backward wave oscillators (BWO). Other applications include laser excitation/pumping, plasma chemistry, e-beam material processing (e.g., etching in plasma reactors in semiconductor industry), and borehole logging in tools based on SBK-Klylac/Klynac system. Klylacs and Klynacs combine a klystron and an electron accelerator, sharing the same electron beam source and vacuum envelope.
Alexei Smirnov
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Design and testing of a high perveance sheet beam electron gun, Review of Scientific Instruments, April 2023, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0084116.
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