What is it about?
Continuing personal and professional development keeps us and our work for others fresh and alive. This development is more than an academic exercise of collecting continuing education credits. Not only are living mentors helpful, but we have a treasure trove of rich information that we can mine like gold from earlier people in our field which can be drawn upon. Thus, even if we think we do not have time to meet with a mentor, we can benefit from his/her wisdom easily through books, videos, and other media.
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Why is it important?
If we do not continue to grow personally and professionally we are more at risk for burn out and personal crisis. Also, the quality of our work for and with others can suffer. Mentoring can be a valuable safeguard and facilitate personal and professional satisfaction, be it through a living mentor or ones gone before us.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Metaphysical mentors: An existential journey of personal and professional development., The Humanistic Psychologist, November 2018, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/hum0000117.
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