What is it about?

We apply sharing economy principles and deliver a business model, where marine operators pay only a percentage of the equipment cost upon installation and then they split the benefits with the equipment supplier. Therefore, both parties have skin in the game and are therefore motivated to increase the expected benefit, i.e. the reduction of CO2 by lowering fuel consumption and/or by getting the ​benefit of fuel price differentials.

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Why is it important?

In this work, we focus on the sustainable and environmentally friendly use of technology in the shipping segment and determine with models within a greener and more sustainable supply chain. This future undertaking is to be strengthened and enhanced with the implementation of various business models and financial structures, so that stakeholders will also benefit economically in the future. Three important points should not be ignored here: a) The benefits of all stakeholders through regulation and improvement of the plans, b) Importance of alternative financial schemes to support the adoption of green technologies in shipping and c) The challenges faced in securing external funding for retrofits, the potential application of outcome-based models in the shipping industry.


After reading this article, it quickly becomes clear that the solutions presented there have a major impact on the supply chain, as the use of ships was previously treated rather recklessly, while now the renewal of technologies is to be supported by regulations, more active financing and business models. In addition, the aim is also to make it more economically attractive for stakeholders in order to convince them even more. All in all, this article presents a very exciting solution for the monotonous shipping segment.

Prof. Orestis Schinas
University of Aegean

The proposed technology-agnostic model highlights the importance of financing concepts for shipping`s greening process. However, there is still a substantial research gap in the financing of maritime greening. Thus, the model could be a first step towards innovative solutions to green shipping`s funding obstacles. Therefore, it is a trailblazer for further research and might even be considered by the industry.

Daniel Metzger
Hamburg School of Business Administration

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: A pay-as-you-save model for the promotion of greening technologies in shipping, Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment, April 2019, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2019.01.018.
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