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ABSTRACT: Anisotropy means variation in physical properties in different directions in a medium, such as variation in hydraulic, electric and heat flow, and seismic wave propagation. This study attempts to numerically determine the electric and hydraulic anisotropies produced contrasts in electric and hydraulic conductivities when electric and hydraulic currents flow along and perpendicular to the bedding planes. This study was carried out for reservoirs in fourteen Hibernia and Terra Nova wells in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin (JDB), offshore Newfoundland, Canada. Resistivity data obtained from log measurements and permeability data obtained numerically, were employed to determine the electric and hydraulic anisotropies for the Hibernia and Terra Nova oil fields. Determination of electric anisotropy coefficients (between 1.0 and 1.7) and hydraulic anisotropy coefficients (between 1.0 and 6.2) indicates that permeability shows more contrast in the horizontal and vertical directions than resistivity. Tortuosity, electrolyte salinity, water-hydrocarbon saturation, orientation of minerals, laminations and layering, lithology contrast and shale content, stress history (structural elements), diagenesis, cross-bedding, and temperature and pressure are principal factors responsible for electric and hydraulic anisotropies. FOR CITATION: Salem, H.S., 1994. The electric and hydraulic anisotropic behavior of the Jeanne d'Arc Basin reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 12(1): 49–66. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/223484011_The_electric_and_hydraulic_anisotropic_behavior_of_the_Jeanne_d%27Arc_basin_reservoirs.
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Why is it important?
What makes this research paper remarkable is the fact that a great deal of industrial data was used to achieve the results obtained and presented herein. Analyzing variations of hydraulic conductivity (or permeability) and electric resistivity (or its reciprocal: electric conductivity) in the X-Y and Z directions is an important and interesting approach towards understanding the complexity and heterogeneity of hydrocarbon reservoirs, especially when they are composed of different and complex lithologies, lie the case of the Hibernia and Terra Nova oil and gas reservoirs offshore the eastern coast of Canada.
This paper shows that the investigated reservoirs behave anisotropically in a remarkable manner. It has been shown that horizontal permeability is greater than vertical permeability, and vertical resistivity is greater than horizontal resistivity. This means that both hydraulic flow and electric current are conducted in the horizontal direction much easier than that in the vertical direction. Accordingly, the conductions of hydraulic flow and electric current in these investigated heterogeneous reservoirs are directional or direction-dependent.
Prof. Dr. Hilmi S. Salem
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The electric and hydraulic anisotropic behavior of the Jeanne d'Arc basin reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, December 1994, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/0920-4105(94)90006-x.
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