All Stories

  1. Examining preservice teachers’ sensemaking of teaching children through rigorous and appropriate practices: a case study
  2. First-Year Teachers’ Challenges With Implementing Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Their Public School Classrooms
  3. Conducting Case Study Research to Address the Continued Crises: A Process of Learning to Employ Decolonial Perspectives to Produce a Flourishing Academic Lifeworld
  4. Policy Justice Through Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Examining the Issue of School Readiness
  5. Critical Qualitative Inquiry as an Avenue for Critical Public Policy Knowledge and Change
  6. Instructing the neoliberal student on the conduct of school: A case study of a schoolwide positive behavior system in kindergarten
  7. How teachers and center leaders made sense of inquiry-based professional learning: a multiple case study
  8. Preservice teachers’ struggles in finding culturally sustaining spaces in standardized teaching contexts
  9. Examining Preservice Teachers’ Conceptions of Teaching to Consider the Impact of Policymakers’ Neoliberal Reforms on Their Sensemaking of Their New Profession
  10. Mixed Understandings: A Case Study of How a Sample of Preschool Stakeholders Made Sense of the Changed Kindergarten
  11. The Double-voiced Nature of Becoming a Teacher in the Era of Neoliberal Teaching and Teacher Education
  12. Teach as I Say, Not as I Do: How Preservice Teachers Made Sense of the Mismatch between How They Were Expected to Teach and How They Were Taught in Their Professional Training Program
  13. How Education Stakeholders Made Sense of the Types of Learning Experiences Children are and Should be Having in Kindergarten and Why
  14. How Education Stakeholders Made Sense of School Readiness in and Beyond Kindergarten
  15. Making sense of instruction within the changed kindergarten: perspectives from preservice early childhood educators and teacher educators
  16. Vertical and Horizontal Discourse: A Bernsteinian Perspective of Preservice Teachers’ Conceptualizations of Using iPads in Early Elementary Teaching Environments
  17. Neoliberal technological devices and articulations of teaching young children: A case study of preservice teachers using iPads in their teacher education program
  18. Examining How Stakeholders at the Local, State, and National Levels Made Sense of the Changed Kindergarten
  19. Putting theories into action: A case of study of how early educators made sense of teaching lessons that reflected their students’ sociocultural worlds
  20. Questioning democratic notions of governance: A case study examining how a kindergarten teacher and her students give voice to and enact a neoliberal framing of schooling
  21. Understanding families’ conceptions of school readiness in the United States: a qualitative metasynthesis
  22. Attempting to fracture the neoliberal hold on early educators’ practical conceptions of teaching: A case study
  23. Bringing being into professional development: a qualitative investigation into teachers’ struggles moving beyond an epistemological framing of teaching and learning
  24. A case study of how a sample of preservice teachers made sense of incorporating iPads into their instruction with children
  25. Examining preservice teachers' conceptual and practical understandings of adopting iPads into their teaching of young children
  26. Conceptions of and early childhood educators’ experiences in early childhood professional development programs: A qualitative metasynthesis
  27. Reluctantly governed: The struggles of early educators in a professional development course that challenged their teaching in a high-stakes neo-liberal early education context
  28. Culturally relevant professional development in a high stakes teaching context
  29. “I Wanted to Know How They Perceived Jail”: Studying How One Early Educator Brought Her Students’ Worlds into Her Standardized Teaching Context
  30. Beginning to untangle the strange coupling of power within a neoliberal early education context
  31. Close early learning gaps with Rigorous DAP
  32. Taking and teaching the test are not the same: a case study of first-year teachers’ experiences in high-stakes contexts
  33. The Practical Difficulties for Early Educators Who Tried to Address Children’s Realities in Their High-Stakes Teaching Context
  34. A qualitative metasynthesis comparing U.S. teachers' conceptions of school readiness prior to and after the implementation of NCLB
  35. A Qualitative Metasynthesis of How Early Educators in International Contexts Address Cultural Matters That Contrast With Developmentally Appropriate Practices
  36. Conforming to reform: Teaching pre-kindergarten in a neoliberal early education system
  37. Reforming Preschool to Ready Children for Academic Achievement: A Case Study of the Impact of Pre-K Reform on the Issue of School Readiness
  38. How to Teach to the Child When the Stakes Are High: Examples of Implementing Developmentally Appropriate and Culturally Relevant Practices in Prekindergarten
  39. Why Should Pre-K Be More Like Elementary School? A Case Study of Pre-K Reform
  40. Searching for the Norm in a System of Absolutes: A Case Study of Standards-Based Accountability Reform in Pre-Kindergarten
  41. Examining the Challenges Early Childhood Teacher Candidates Face in Figuring Their Roles as Early Educators
  42. balancing the readiness equation in early childhood education reform
  43. Children of Reform: The Impact of High-Stakes Education Reform on Preservice Teachers
  44. Pivoting a Prekindergarten Program Off the Child or the Standard? A Case Study of Integrating the Practices of Early Childhood Education into Elementary School
  45. Helping Preservice Teachers Learn to Teach for Understanding in this Era of High-stakes Early Education Reform
  46. Being Accountable for One's Own Governing: A Case Study of Early Educators Responding to Standards-Based Early Childhood Education Reform
  47. Confronting the Contradictions: A Case Study of Early Childhood Teacher Development in Neoliberal Times
  48. Keep It Cheap, Keep It Local, and Keep It Coming
  49. Preservice teachers’ notions of families and schooling