All Stories

  1. Formative Perspectives on the Relation Between CSR Communication and CSR Practices: Pathways for Walking, Talking, and T(w)alking
  2. The Communicative Constitution of Organization, Organizing, and Organizationality
  3. Discusses various ways of how to imagine organizations as both entity and process, at the same time
  4. Explains why disorder occurs in organizations even if actors strive for order
  5. Explains how social collectives (such as Anonymous) gain "organizationality" despite their fluidity
  6. How to teach the "communication constitutes organization" (CCO) perspective
  7. Is Decoupling Becoming Decoupled from Institutional Theory? A Commentary on Wijen
  8. Overview of the "communication constitutes organization" (CCO) view & its 3 main schools of thought
  9. How PowerPoint shapes the way consultants communicate across projects
  10. Organizational Communication in the German-Speaking World
  11. Discusses "organizational sleep" as a new anthropmorphic metaphor in organization studies
  12. Clandestine Organizations, al Qaeda, and the Paradox of (In)Visibility: A Response to Stohl and Stohl
  13. Suggests an inverted social network analysis where communication episodes are the network nodes
  14. Shows how CSR standard adoption in the banking industry is facilitated through narratives
  15. Discusses smilarities of Luhmann's theory of social systems with the CCO perspective