All Stories

  1. Building resilience resources during organizational change: A longitudinal quasi-experimental field study.
  2. An Ultra-Short Measure for Work Engagement
  3. Attachment Styles and Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Burnout
  4. Authenticity at Work: A Matter of Fit?
  5. Job burnout: The contribution of emotional stability and emotional self-efficacy beliefs
  6. Psychosocial work characteristics and long-term sickness absence due to mental disorders
  7. Work addiction and presenteeism: The buffering role of managerial support
  8. How are changes in exposure to job demands and job resources related to burnout and engagement? A longitudinal study among Chinese nurses and police officers
  9. Job Insecurity Research is Still Alive and Kicking Twenty Years Later: A Commentary
  10. Heavy work investment: its motivational make-up and outcomes
  11. Does equity mediate the effects of job demands and job resources on work outcomes?
  12. Young and going strong?
  13. Don't leave your heart at home
  14. Self‐efficacy and workaholism as initiators of the job demands‐resources model