All Stories

  1. Frontal fibrosing alopecia: A multicenter review of 355 patients
  2. Nodular lesion in a renal transplant recipient
  3. Lesión cutánea ampollosa en la mano de una adolescente
  4. Linfoma B difuso de célula grande subtipo centro germinal con infiltración extensa de la pared torácica
  5. Congenital plaque‐like glomangioma treated successfully with dual wavelength pulsed‐dye and neodymium:yttrium‐aluminum‐garnet laser
  6. Hiperplasia sebácea múltiple secundaria al tratamiento con ciclosporina en un paciente trasplantado de corazón
  7. Successful treatment of venous malformation located on glans penis with dual-wavelength 595- and 1064-nm laser system
  8. Asymptomatic crusted lesions
  9. Lesiones cutáneas en un paciente asmático
  10. Tricomegalia secundaria a panitumumab
  11. Pioderma gangrenoso que simula infección de herida quirúrgica
  12. Perforating dermatosis in a patient receiving azathioprine
  13. A pathognomonic enanthema
  14. Congenital Smooth Muscle Hamartoma on the Face Treated Using Vascular Laser
  15. Spermine oxidase (SMO) activity in breast tumor tissues and biochemical analysis of the anticancer spermine analogues BENSpm and CPENSpm
  16. Discussion
  17. Commentary