All Stories

  1. Semantic Feature Analysis + Metacognitive Strategy Training = Improved Communication in Aphasia
  2. Reproducibility in Small- N Treatment Research: A Tutorial Using Examples From Aphasiology
  3. Practice-Related Predictors of Semantic Feature Verification Treatment for Aphasia
  4. Applying adaptive distributed practice to self-managed computer-based anomia treatment: a single-case experimental design
  5. Reproducibility in small-N treatment research in aphasia and related disorders: a tutorial
  6. Representation in Aphasia Research: An Examination of U.S. Treatment Studies Published Between 2009 and 2019
  7. Get in Sync: Active Ingredients and Patient Profiles in Scripted-Sentence Learning in Spanish Speakers With Aphasia
  8. Designing Game-Based Rehabilitation Experiences for People with Aphasia
  9. Embedding Aphasia-Modified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Script Training for Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Single-Case Pilot Study
  10. Is There a Research–Practice Dosage Gap in Aphasia Rehabilitation?
  11. Playing With BEARS: Balancing Effort, Accuracy, and Response Speed in a Semantic Feature Verification Anomia Treatment Game
  12. Metacognitive Strategy Training Is Feasible for People With Aphasia
  13. Understanding Speed–Accuracy Processing Dynamics in Aphasia Using Response Time Modeling
  14. Effects of Semantic Feature Type, Diversity, and Quantity on Semantic Feature Analysis Treatment Outcomes in Aphasia
  15. How Much Time Do People With Aphasia Need to Respond During Picture Naming? Estimating Optimal Response Time Cutoffs Using a Multinomial Ex-Gaussian Approach
  16. Finding the speed-accuracy "sweet spot" in aphasia.
  17. A meta-analysis of aphasia case studies looking at Semantic Feature Analysis treatment.
  18. What Matters in Semantic Feature Analysis: Practice-Related Predictors of Treatment Response in Aphasia
  19. Relearning and Retaining Personally-Relevant Words using Computer-Based Flashcard Software in Primary Progressive Aphasia
  20. Working memory and the revision of syntactic and discourse ambiguities.
  21. Effects of concurrent arithmetical and syntactic complexity on self-paced reaction times and eye fixations