All Stories

  1. Applications of convolutional neural networks in education: A systematic literature review
  2. Gamification of Virtual Learning Environments: A Narrative and User Experience Approach
  3. The Relationship between Users’ Behavior and Their Flow Experience in Gamified Systems
  4. Analysis of changes from gamification user profiles over time
  5. Eles Percebem o que Queremos? Um Estudo Sobre a Percepção dos Estudantes em um Sistema Educacional Gamificado
  6. Inteligência Artificial para Educação: Um Caminho para um Campo mais Inclusivo
  7. Toward Human–AI Collaboration: A Recommender System to Support CS1 Instructors to Select Problems for Assignments and Exams
  8. Towards Digital Transformation of the Validation and Triage Process of Textbooks in the Brazilian Educational Policy
  9. Towards explainable prediction of essay cohesion in Portuguese and English
  10. AIED Unplugged: Leapfrogging the Digital Divide to Reach the Underserved
  11. Artificial Intelligence and Educational Policy: Bridging Research and Practice
  12. Enhancing Students’ Learning Experience Through Gamification: Perspectives and Challenges
  13. Even Boosting Stereotypes Increase the Gender Gap in Gamified Tutoring Systems: An Analysis of Self-efficacy, Flow and Learning
  14. Gamiflow: Towards a Flow Theory-Based Gamification Framework for Learning Scenarios
  15. Metadados e a tomada de decisão com base em evidências
  16. Question Classification with Constrained Resources: A Study with Coding Exercises
  17. The Good and Bad of Stereotype Threats: Understanding Its Effects on Negative Thinking and Learning Performance in Gamified Tutoring
  18. The effects of gender stereotype-based interfaces on users’ flow experience and performance
  19. Affective Memory in Gamified Learning: A Usability Study
  20. An architecture for monitoring public educational policies based on big open linked data
  21. Aprendizagem de Máquina para Classificação de Tipos Textuais: Estudo de Caso em Textos escritos em Português Brasileiro
  22. Detecção Automática de Clímax em Produções de Textos Narrativos
  23. Estimando Coesão Textual em Redações no Contexto do ENEM Utilizando Modelos de Aprendizado de Máquina
  24. Guidelines for Google Classroom usage as an e-learning tool during Covid-19 pandemic based on similarity search
  25. Learning Analytics Desconectada: Um Estudo de Caso em Análise de Produções Textuais
  26. O uso do Moodle e Metodologias Ativas: percepções de professores de uma instituição do Ensino Superior
  27. Visão de gestores e professores sobre os fatores decisivos para a escolha de tecnologias educacionais
  28. Investigating how gamified syllabic literacy impacts learning, flow and inappropriate behaviors: A single-subject study design
  29. Two billion registered students affected by stereotyped educational environments: an analysis of gender-based color bias
  30. Tailored gamification in education: A literature review and future agenda
  31. Automating Gamification Personalization to the User and Beyond
  32. The effects of personalized gamification on students’ flow experience, motivation, and enjoyment
  33. Systematic map and review of Google Classroom usage during the Covid-19 pandemic: an analysis by data clustering approach
  34. Are they learning or playing? Moderator conditions of gamification’s success in programming classrooms
  35. Authoring Inner Loops of Intelligent Tutoring Systems Using Collective Intelligence
  36. Gamification Through the Looking Glass - Perceived Biases and Ethical Concerns of Brazilian Teachers
  37. Recursos e estratégias para desenvolvimento e avaliação do pensamento computacional na escola
  38. An analytics approach to investigate teacher turnover
  39. Contribuições para o Design de Gamificação em Contextos Educacionais
  40. Modelo de infraestrutura para publicação de dados abertos educacionais conectados de qualidade
  41. Uma análise dos tipos de jogadores em uma plataforma de gamificação incorporada a um sistema juiz on-line
  42. Predicting students’ flow experience through behavior data in gamified educational systems
  43. Personalization Improves Gamification
  44. The relationship between user types and gamification designs
  45. Restrição de tempo afeta na experiência de fluxo e no ensino de literatura? Estudo experimental e análises no kahoot!
  46. Validation and psychometric properties of the Brazilian-Portuguese dispositional flow scale 2 (DFS-BR)
  47. The State-of-the-Art on Collective Intelligence in Online Educational Technologies
  48. Gamified computer programming learning: how and when it does (and doesn't) work
  49. Process Model with Quality Control for the Production of High Quality Linked Open Government Data
  50. Learning and Gamification Dashboards: A Mixed-Method Study with Teachers
  51. For whom should we gamify? Insights on the users intentions and context towards gamification in education
  52. Inteligência Coletiva como ferramenta de apoio na construção de Loops Internos em Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes
  53. Just beat it: Exploring the influences of competition and task-related factors in gamified learning environments
  54. Towards Automatic Flow Experience Identification in Educational Systems: A Qualitative Study
  55. The impact of serious games on the learning of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  56. GamiCSM
  57. Personalized gamification: A literature review of outcomes, experiments, and approaches
  58. The Use of Personality Traits to Enhance Theory-driven Group Formation
  59. Computational approaches for literacy of children with autism: a systematic mapping
  60. Using learning analytics in the Amazonas: understanding students’ behaviour in introductory programming
  61. A Methodology for Multimodal Learning Analytics and Flow Experience Identification within Gamified Assignments
  62. Desafios no uso de Dados Abertos Conectados na Educação Brasileira
  63. Can Ontologies Support the Gamification of Scripted Collaborative Learning Sessions?
  64. Can We Use Gamification to Predict Students’ Performance? A Case Study Supported by an Online Judge
  65. Data-Driven Analysis of Engagement in Gamified Learning Environments: A Methodology for Real-Time Measurement of MOOCs
  66. Does Tailoring Gamified Educational Systems Matter? The Impact on Students' Flow Experience
  67. Teaching Interactive Fiction for Undergraduate Students with the Aid of Information Technologies: An Experience Report
  68. Analysing gamification elements in educational environments using an existing Gamification taxonomy
  69. Formação de Grupos em Ambientes CSCL baseada na combinação entre os Traços de Personalidade e Teorias de Aprendizagem Colaborativa
  70. Framework para produção de dados educacionais conectados
  71. Gamification of Collaborative Learning Scenarios: An Ontological Engineering Approach to Deal with Motivational Problems in Scripted Collaborative Learning
  72. Uso do Arduino para Ensino de Conceitos Intermediários de Programação
  73. Automatic Game Experience Identification in Educational Games
  74. Exploring content game elements to support gamification design in educational systems: narrative and storytelling
  75. Metaprocesso para transformação de dados educacionais em dados conectados
  76. Modelo de referência para dados abertos educacionais em nível macro
  77. Robótica Educacional como Método Principal de Ensino em Práticas de Programação
  78. Thinking Inside the Box: How to Tailor Gamified Educational Systems Based on Learning Activities Types
  79. Validating the Effectiveness of Data-Driven Gamification Recommendations: An Exploratory Study
  80. Towards Automatic Flow Experience Identification in Educational Systems
  81. FM system on listening effort among adolescents with hearing loss
  82. GaTO: An Ontological Model to Apply Gamification in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  83. A Taxonomy of Game Elements for Gamification in Educational Contexts: Proposal and Evaluation
  84. Detecting Behavioral Trajectories in Continued Education Online Courses
  85. Narrative for Gamification in Education: Why Should you Care?
  86. The Effects of Ontology-Based Gamification in Scripted Collaborative Learning
  87. An approach for planning and deploying gamification concepts with social networks within educational contexts
  88. Quantify: An Information Fusion Model Based on Syntactic and Semantic Analysis and Quality Assessments to Enhance Situation Awareness
  89. Análise exploratória sobre a abertura de dados educacionais no Brasil: como torná-los prontos para o ecossistema da Web?
  90. Um framework de classificação de complexidade para infográficos
  91. Artificial Intelligence in Education
  92. Artificial Intelligence in Education
  93. Discovery of Study Patterns that Impacts Students’ Discussion Performance in Forum Assignments
  94. Preliminary study of Data Mining analysis of high speed Kymography and voice data
  95. Computação Desplugada: Um Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura Nacional
  96. Desenvolvimento de Jogos Educativos? Desafios, Oportunidades e Direcionamentos de Pesquisa
  97. Does Gamified Educational Systems Change Students’ Learning Behaviors? A Case Study with Postgraduate Students
  98. Frameworks para o Planejamento da Gamificação em Contextos Educacionais - Uma revisão da literatura nacional
  99. Toward Better Outcomes in Audiology Distance Education: An Educational Data Mining Approach
  100. Abordagem de Avaliação da Qualidade de Sistemas Educacionais baseados em Web Semântica
  101. Regulação emocional em ambientes educacionais: um mapeamento sistemático
  102. Relato de Experiência sobre o uso da Computação Desplugada associada a uma Teoria de Aprendizagem Colaborativa
  103. Selecting Effective Influence Principles for Tailoring Gamification-Based Strategies to Player Roles
  104. Towards a link between Instructional Approaches and Gamification - A Case Study in a Programming Course
  105. Informática na Educação baseada em Evidências: Um Manifesto
  106. Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes que Detectam as Emoções dos Estudantes: um Mapeamento Sistemático
  107. Desenvolvimento de ontologia ciente de qualidade de informações para o domínio de gerenciamento de emergências
  108. Educational Data Mining: A review of evaluation process in the e-learning
  109. A Plot from the Stars: Educational Game Development for Teaching Basic Mathematical Functions
  110. Impact of Teaching Approaches to Computational Thinking on High School Students: A Systematic Mapping
  111. Flow Theory to Promote Learning in Educational Systems: Is it Really Relevant?
  112. Affective states in computer-supported collaborative learning: Studying the past to drive the future
  113. Integrating Project Based Learning and Project Management for Software Engineering Teaching
  114. A systematic review on the use of best practices for publishing linked data
  115. Desafios para o Planejamento e Implantação da Gamificação no Contexto Educacional
  116. Prediction of Interpersonal Help-Seeking Behavior from Log Files in an In-Service Education Distance Course
  117. Analysis of Permanence Time in Emotional States: A Case Study Using Educational Software
  118. GAMIFY-SN: A Meta-model for Planning and Deploying Gamification Concepts Within Social Networks - A Case Study
  119. New Perspectives in Instructional Design using Semantic Web Technologies: A Systematic Literature Review
  120. An Agile Method for Developing OERs and Its Application in Serious Game Design
  121. An agile project management experience
  122. Group Formation in CSCL: A Review of the State of the Art
  123. The Dark Side of Gamification: An Overview of Negative Effects of Gamification in Education
  124. Using Ontology and Gamification to Improve Students’ Participation and Motivation in CSCL
  125. Selecting Effective Influence Principles for Tailoring Gamification-Based Strategies to Player Roles
  126. Computação Afetiva aplicada à Educação: uma revisão sistemática das pesquisas publicadas no Brasil
  127. Dados abertos educacionais no Brasil e sua preparação para os dados abertos na web
  128. Impacto do uso de infográficos como materiais de aprendizagem e suas correlações com satisfação, estilos de aprendizagem e complexidade visual
  129. Usability Perspective of an Authoring Solution to Assist Pedagogical Decision-Making
  130. Uso de gamificação em aulas de Bioquímica como ferramenta de engajamento e motivação no ensino superior
  131. Estrutura Ontológica para representar Papéis Colaborativos Afetivos em ambientes CSCL
  132. Qualidade da Pesquisa Científica Brasileira em Informática na Educação: Desafios e Perspectivas
  133. AIMED: Agile, Integrative and Open Method for Open Educational Resources Development
  134. Brazilian Portuguese Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Susceptibility to Persuasion Scale (Br-STPS)
  135. The Use of Handwriting Input in Math Tutoring Systems: An Use Case with PAT2Math
  136. A DGS gesture dictionary for modelling on mobile devices
  137. An object triple mapping system supporting detached objects: A performance and memory usage empirical comparison
  138. Dataset of two experiments of the application of gamified peer assessment model into online learning environment MeuTutor
  139. High-speed Videolaryngoscopy: Quantitative Parameters of Glottal Area Waveforms and High-speed Kymography in Healthy Individuals
  140. A semi-automatic system to evaluate the performance and scalability of ontology persistent APIs
  141. Metodologia de Desenvolvimento de Jogos Sérios: especificação de ferramentas de apoio open source
  142. Infográficos versus Materiais de Aprendizagem Tradicionais: uma Investigação Empírica
  143. Plataforma de Recursos Educacionais Abertos: Uma Arquitetura de Referência com Elementos de Gamificação
  144. An ontology-driven software product line architecture for developing gamified intelligent tutoring systems
  145. An Ontology Framework to Apply Gamification in CSCL Scenarios as Persuasive Technology
  146. Explorando o Impacto da Gamificação na Redução do Gaming the System em um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem
  147. Experiência de Uso de Jogos Educacionais Digitais Individuais em Contextos de Colaboração
  148. Investigando o Impacto da Característica de Impulsividade na Aprendizagem Colaborativa com Suporte Computacional
  149. QPJ-BR: Questionário para Identificação de Perfis de Jogadores para o Português-Brasileiro
  150. Um processo de Gamificação para o ensino superior: Experiências em um módulo de Bioquímica
  151. A gamified peer assessment model for on-line learning environments in a competitive context
  152. Does peer assessment in on-line learning environments work? A systematic review of the literature
  153. What do students do on-line? Modeling students' interactions to improve their learning experience
  154. Modelling Students' Algebraic Knowledge with Dynamic Bayesian Networks
  155. Evaluating the Impact of Mars and Venus Effect on the Use of an Adaptive Learning Technology for Portuguese and Mathematics
  156. Infographics or Graphics+Text: Which Material is Best for Robust Learning?
  157. Editorial: A Message from the Editorial Team and an Introduction to the January-March 2016 Issue
  158. Interface to support caregivers in daily record and information visualization of patients with dementia
  159. The Bright and Dark Sides of Gamification
  160. OntoSoft Process: Towards an Agile Process for Ontology-Based Software
  161. Reduced GUI for an interactive geometry software: Does it affect students' performance?
  162. A Link Between Worlds: Towards a Conceptual Framework for Bridging Player and Learner Roles in Gamified Collaborative Learning Contexts
  163. Computer-based systems for automating instructional design of collaborative learning scenarios: a systematic literature review
  164. Computer-based systems for automating instructional design of collaborative learning scenarios: a systematic literature review
  165. Discouraging Gaming the System Through Interventions of an Animated Pedagogical Agent
  166. Gamification of Collaborative Learning Scenarios: Structuring Persuasive Strategies Using Game Elements and Ontologies
  167. Interaction interfaces in interactive geometry software: are we exploring new devices and possibilities?
  168. Estado da Arte sobre Afetividade na Formação de Grupos em Ambientes Colaborativos de Aprendizagem
  169. Concepção de uma Família de Gestos para Construção de Objetos Geométricos e sua Utilização em um Sistema de Geometria Interativa para Dispositivos Móveis: GeoTouch
  170. GeoTouch: Sistema de Geometria Interativa para Dispositivos Móveis
  171. Análise, Projeto, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de Jogos Sérios e Afins: uma revisão de desafios e oportunidades
  172. Metodologia de Desenvolvimento de Jogos Sérios: Especificação de Ferramentas de Apoio Open Source
  173. Pensamento Computacional: transformando ideias em jogos digitais usando o Scratch
  174. Rehabilitation Using Kinect and an Outlook on Its Educational Applications: A Review of the State of the Art
  175. Relação entre os Estados Afetivos e as Teorias de Aprendizagem na Formação de Grupos em Ambientes CSCL
  176. Towards an Ontological Model to Apply Gamification as Persuasive Technology in Collaborative Learning Scenarios
  177. A systematic review on multi-device inclusive environments
  178. A Dictionary of Gestures for Multitouch-Based Interactive Geometry Software
  179. Affective States in CSCL Environments: A Systematic Mapping of the Literature
  180. Ontology-based feature modeling: An empirical study in changing scenarios
  181. Quality Evaluation of Web-Based Educational Software: A Systematic Mapping
  182. Personalization of Gamification in Collaborative Learning Contexts using Ontologies
  183. Does gamification work for boys and girls?
  184. Improving pedagogical recommendations by classifying students according to their interactional behavior in a gamified learning environment
  185. Ontology Driven Software Engineering: A Review of Challenges and Opportunities
  186. Applications of ontologies in requirements engineering: a systematic review of the literature
  187. Steps Towards the Gamification of Collaborative Learning Scenarios Supported by Ontologies
  188. Teaching novice programmers using ProgTest
  189. Caracterização de Alunos em Ambientes de Ensino Online: Estendendo o Uso da DAMICORE para Minerar Dados Educacionais.
  190. Laboratório de Computação Aplicada à Educação e Tecnologia Social Avançada (CAEd)
  191. Uma Revisão Sistemática sobre a Educação do Surdo em Ambientes Virtuais Educacionais
  192. Análise de Usabilidade de Sistemas de Geometria Interativa para Tablets
  193. Qualidade de Softwares Educacionais Baseados na Web (Semântica): Um Mapeamento Sistemático
  194. A Systematic Review on the Use of Ontologies in Requirements Engineering
  195. Interactive Geometry Goes Mobile with GeoTouch
  196. Using erroneous examples to improve mathematics learning with a web-based tutoring system
  197. Automated instructional design for CSCL: A hierarchical task network planning approach
  198. A systematic mapping on gamification applied to education
  199. Towards a learning design authoring tool that generates personalized units of learning for CSCL
  200. A Systematic Approach for Providing Personalized Pedagogical Recommendations Based on Educational Data Mining
  201. An Ontology Engineering Approach to Gamify Collaborative Learning Scenarios
  202. Group Formation Algorithms in Collaborative Learning Contexts: A Systematic Mapping of the Literature
  203. Towards an Ontology for Gamifying Collaborative Learning Scenarios
  204. Uma Revisão Sistemática das Tecnologias da Web Semântica em Ambientes Educacionais
  205. Gamificação Aplicada à Educação: Um Mapeamento Sistemático
  206. Interação em Interfaces de Softwares de Geometria Interativa: Um Mapeamento Sistemático
  207. Tecnologias da Web Semântica em Ambientes Educacionais: uma Revisão Sistemática
  208. JOINT: Java ontology integrated toolkit
  209. Rule-based expert systems to support step-by-step guidance in algebraic problem solving: The case of the tutor PAT2Math
  210. Agrupamento Balanceado de Sujeitos a fim de Testar a Interface Gráfica de um Software de Geometria Interativa
  211. O papel do professor e do aluno frente ao uso de um software de geometria interativa: iGeom
  212. A Semantic Web-based authoring tool to facilitate the planning of collaborative learning scenarios compliant with learning theories
  213. Erroneous Examples as Desirable Difficulty
  214. Towards Reducing Cognitive Load and Enhancing Usability through a Reduced Graphical User Interface for a Dynamic Geometry System: An Experimental Study
  215. Towards an Ontological Infrastructure for Content Modeling and Personalization
  216. Work in progress: A generic model for interactivity-intense intelligent tutor authoring tools
  217. Preface
  218. To Err Is Human, to Explain and Correct Is Divine: A Study of Interactive Erroneous Examples with Middle School Math Students
  219. Towards an Ontology-Based System to Improve Usability in Collaborative Learning Environments
  220. Work in progress — A framework for building Interactive Learning Modules
  221. Work in progress — Enhancing Interactive Geometry Systems with intelligent tutoring features
  222. Mineração de Dados Educacionais: Oportunidades para o Brasil
  223. Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de Material Web para o Ensino de Decimais Utilizando Exemplos Incorretos
  224. A Common Model of Didactic and Collaborative Learning for Theory-Aware Authoring Support
  225. An Ontological Model to Blend Didactic Instruction and Collaborative Learning
  226. Can Erroneous Examples Help Middle-School Students Learn Decimals?
  227. Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Intelligent and Innovative Support Systems for CSCL
  228. When Is It Best to Learn with All Worked Examples?
  229. The foundations of a theory-aware authoring tool for CSCL design
  230. An Authoring Tool to Support the Design and Use of Theory-Based Collaborative Learning Activities
  231. Towards Intelligent Tutoring with Erroneous Examples: A Taxonomy of Decimal Misconceptions
  232. iGeom: Towards an Interactive Geometry Software with Intelligent Guidance Capabilities
  233. An ontology engineering approach to the realization of theory-driven group formation
  234. Estado da Arte em Web Semântica e Web 2.0: Potencialidades e Tendências da Nova Geração de Ambientes de Ensino na Internet
  235. Toward a Learning/Instruction Process Model for Facilitating the Instructional Design Cycle
  236. Intelligent and innovative support of collaborative learning activities (WIISCOLA)
  237. An algorithm for automatic checking of exercises in a dynamic geometry system: iGeom
  238. An Ontology-based Framework and its Application to Effective Collaboration
  239. A Plug-in Based Adaptive System: SAAW
  240. Adventures in the Boundary between Domain-Independent Ontologies and Domain Content for CSCL
  241. Theory-Driven Group Formation through Ontologies
  242. Tying Ontologies to Domain Contents for CSCL
  243. Deployment of Ontologies for an Effective Design of Collaborative Learning Scenarios
  244. "Desenvolvimento de ferramentas no iGeom: utilizando a geometria dinâmica no ensino presencial e a distância"