All Stories

  1. Personalization Improves Gamification
  2. Just beat it: Exploring the influences of competition and task-related factors in gamified learning environments
  3. Towards Automatic Flow Experience Identification in Educational Systems: A Qualitative Study
  4. The impact of serious games on the learning of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  5. Does Tailoring Gamified Educational Systems Matter? The Impact on Students' Flow Experience
  6. Teaching Interactive Fiction for Undergraduate Students with the Aid of Information Technologies: An Experience Report
  7. Automatic Game Experience Identification in Educational Games
  8. Validating the Effectiveness of Data-Driven Gamification Recommendations: An Exploratory Study
  9. Social Engagement versus Learning Engagement An Exploratory Study of FutureLearn Learners
  10. Does Gamified Educational Systems Change Students’ Learning Behaviors? A Case Study with Postgraduate Students
  11. Frameworks para o Planejamento da Gamificação em Contextos Educacionais - Uma revisão da literatura nacional
  12. Impact of Teaching Approaches to Computational Thinking on High School Students: A Systematic Mapping
  13. Desafios para o Planejamento e Implantação da Gamificação no Contexto Educacional
  14. Educational games: A contribution to software testing education
  15. Plataforma de Recursos Educacionais Abertos: Uma Arquitetura de Referência com Elementos de Gamificação
  17. Desenvolvimento de um MOOC Gamificado para Ensino de Bioinformática
  18. Um processo de Gamificação para o ensino superior: Experiências em um módulo de Bioquímica
  19. Um estudo preliminar sobre conceitos extrínsecos e intrínsecos do processo de Gamification
  20. Project SIGMA - An Online Tool to Aid Students in Math Lessons with Gamification Concepts
  21. BrasilEduca — An open-source MOOC platform for Portuguese speakers with gamification concepts
  22. Utilizing gamification with social network to aid students in programming languages lessons in higher education IT courses (abstract only)