All Stories

  1. Jubileum
  2. Lessen van Mondragón
  3. Employee financial participation and corporate social and environmental performance: Evidence from European panel data
  4. AI en de toekomst van werk
  5. The translation of Lean management: Prospects of a relational approach for successful practice
  6. More Roads Lead to Rome. HR Configurations and Employee Sustainability Outcomes in Public Sector Organizations
  7. Arbeidsmigranten in Nederland en België
  8. Individual ambidexterity in SMEs: Towards a typology aligning the concept, antecedents and outcomes
  9. The relative importance of improvement routines for implementing lean practices
  10. Controlling the Courts: New Public Management and the Dutch Judiciary
  11. Wetenschap, beleid en media
  12. Implementing lean practices in manufacturing SMEs: testing ‘critical success factors’ using Necessary Condition Analysis
  13. Employee Share Schemes in Europe. The Influence of US Multinationals
  14. Nurses’ perceptions of feedback to nursing teams on quality measurements: An embedded case study design
  15. Predicting absenteeism: screening for work ability or burnout
  16. Knowledge management, health information technology and nurses’ work engagement
  17. Continuous improvement, burnout and job engagement: a study in a Dutch nursing department
  18. Prestatiedruk
  19. Robotisering: het kan, maar moet het ook?
  20. Prestatiedruk
  21. Robotisering: het kan, maar moet het ook?
  22. Nurses' Attributions and Perceptions of Management Feedback Measure
  23. Feedback provision, nurses’ well-being and quality improvement: towards a conceptual framework
  24. Proloog en epiloog bij het themanummer over burnout
  25. Influence of work-related characteristics and work ability on changing employer or leaving the profession among nursing staff
  26. Age as a moderator in the relationship between work-related characteristics, job dissatisfaction and need for recovery
  27. Effects of a Process Improvement Project on Nurses’ Well-Being; a Two Wave Study in a Dutch Hospital
  28. Onderzoeksnotitie: Handhelds en arbeidsdeling in Nederlandse horecabedrijven
  29. Technology-enabled division of labour: the use of handhelds
  30. Schone schijn
  31. Oude dozen met actuele thema's
  32. ERP‐systems and job content: a case study of HR‐assistants
  33. Trefzeker terugkijken
  34. Inleiding: Kwaliteit van de arbeid
  35. Arbeidstevredenheid als maat voor kwaliteit van de arbeid
  36. First organise, then automate: a modern socio-technical view on ERP systems and teamworking
  38. Goedkope medicijnen
  39. Employee Share Schemes in Europe. The Influence of US Multinationals
  40. Comments on the quality of working life (QWL) under lean
  41. Group work in a Dutch home care organization: does it improve the quality of working life?
  42. The Quality of Work: The Work-Family Interface
  43. A Modern Socio-Technical View on ERP-Systems
  44. A Modern Socio-Technical View on ERP-Systems
  45. A Modern Socio-Technical View on ERP-Systems
  46. A Modern Socio-Technical View on ERP-Systems