All Stories

  1. Career assessment: Integrating interests, abilities, and personality.
  2. Spatial abilities.
  3. Mechanical and physical abilities.
  4. Artistic and creative abilities.
  5. Managerial and leadership abilities.
  6. Perceptual, computational, and other abilities.
  7. Defining and contextualizing vocational interests.
  8. Social abilities: Social and emotional intelligence.
  9. Other career-relevant personality characteristics.
  10. The five-factor model of personality.
  11. Applications: Case illustrations of personality profiles.
  12. Career-related abilities: Conceptual issues and general intelligence.
  13. Relationships across interest, ability, and personality domains.
  14. Conceptual and measurement issues of career-related personality.
  15. Client feedback and report preparation.
  16. Ethical/legal and technological issues.
  17. Scope of career assessment work.
  18. Case illustrations of ability profiles.
  19. The “Big Six” RIASEC interest types.
  20. Clinical Psychology, Meet Consulting Psychology
  21. Introduction: The interdomain model of career assessment.
  22. The efficacy of executive coaching: An empirical investigation of two approaches using random assignment and a switching-replications design.
  23. Comparing implicit and explicit attitudes of gay, straight, and non-monosexual groups toward transmen and transwomen
  24. Learning how to be Ethical in Consulting Psychology Practice
  25. How organizational and business ethics affect consulting psychology practice.
  26. Emerging ethical issues and challenges.
  27. Ethical issues at the group level.
  28. Ethical issues at the organizational level.
  29. Ethical issues at the individual level.
  30. Toward more complex ethical models: Unfinished business.
  31. Introduction.
  32. Ethics of Employee Selection
  33. Development of gender identity implicit association tests to assess attitudes toward transmen and transwomen.
  34. A Process of Coaching
  35. The Psychologist as Managerial Coach
  36. Learn All About Consulting Psychology
  37. A practice analysis of coaching psychology: Toward a foundational competency model.
  38. Risking Your Job
  39. Introduction to Sport Psychology Consulting: Working with Coaches and Teams
  40. Reforming American Multiculturalism to Reflect Global Realities
  41. Introduction to special issue, the future of consulting psychology and consulting psychology research.
  42. The next big thing for the Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and research.
  43. What have we learned? Where are we headed?
  44. Habit Forming, Habit Changing
  45. How Can Managers and Leaders Create Organizational Trust?
  46. Frontier no more: International consulting skills as necessary minimal competencies for consulting psychologists.
  47. Harry Levinson (1922–2012).
  48. The scientist-practitioner consulting psychologist.
  49. Issues in integrating interests, abilities, and personality
  50. EAP utilization patterns and employee absenteeism: Results of an empirical, 3-year longitudinal study in a national Canadian retail corporation.
  51. Guidelines for case study submissions to Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research.
  52. Narrative Career Counseling
  53. Interest, ability and personality characteristics of two samples of employed realistic males: Implications for management and assessment.
  54. Leading the 21st-century college and university: Managing multiple missions and conflicts of interest in higher education.
  55. Handy, If Not Exactly a Handbook
  56. Carl F. Frost (1914-2009).
  57. Policies and guidelines for Special Issues and Special Sections in Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research.
  58. Reforming the Military in Troubled Times
  59. Editorial policy of the Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research.
  60. Coaching and consulting in multicultural contexts: Integrating themes and issues.
  61. Pragmatic Job-Finding Guidance for Executives and Professionals
  62. Ethics Applied to Organizatoinal and Consulting Psychology
  63. Will Transformational Leadership Transform?
  64. Professional and Scientific Responsibility
  65. Respect for People's Rights and Dignity
  66. Executive Coaching: The Road to Dodoville Needs Paving With More Than Good Assumptions.
  67. Who Do You Trust?
  68. Forensic Challenges for Managers.
  69. Importance of Diagnosis in Organizational Assessment: Harry Levinson's Contributions.
  70. History and political process of professional training and practice guideline promulgation and approval.
  71. Principles for education and training at the doctoral and postdoctoral level in consulting psychology/organizational.
  72. Constructing a literature from case studies: Promise and limitations of the method.
  73. Transforming crises into opportunities.
  74. My last “last page”.
  75. Psychologist-entrepreneurs: Channeling creative and oppositional energy.
  76. Paradigm, shift!
  77. Hail and farewell in the society of achievement.
  78. Leading Wisely and Well: Psychologist-presidents at work.
  79. A sense of place.
  80. The “practice” of management.
  81. Consulting to organizations as if the individual mattered.
  82. New directions for graduate training in consulting psychology.
  83. The ethical practice of psychology in organizations.
  84. The fine art of managing subtly.
  85. The blind visionary and the sighted blind.
  86. Preventative management: Antecedent conditions for successful academic management.
  87. The academic department head’s role: Special section introduction.
  88. Career Assessment and Psychological Impairment: Integrating Inter-Domain and Work Dysfunctions Theory
  89. Editorial policy of The Psychologist-Manager Journal.
  90. What is a SPIM manager?
  91. Is any world safe for creativity?
  92. The mental health professional's guide to managed care.
  93. Mental health claims experience: Analysis and benefit redesign.
  94. Managed mental health care: Critical issues and next directions.
  95. Dr. Lowman replies
  96. Malpractice of What and by Whom? Will the Real Straw Theory Please Stand Up?
  97. The Inter-Domain Model of Career Assessment and Counseling
  98. Why Work Matters in Counseling and Coaching and How to Treat Work Issues
  99. Color Vision Deficits and Rorschach Performance in Aged Persons
  100. Managing mental health care wisely: More is not necessarily better.
  101. How to Use Interests, Abilities, and Personality to Help Clients Find Well-Fitting Careers
  102. Introduction to special section on managed mental health care.
  103. Mental health claims experience: Analysis and benefit redesign.
  104. The Dimensionality of Social Intelligence: Social Abilities, Interests, and Needs
  105. Validity of self-ratings of abilities and competencies
  106. Occupational choice as a moderator of psychotherapeutic approach.
  107. Pseudoepileptic seizures of psychogenic origin: A review of the literature
  108. 4/The Clinical Use of Projective Techniques with the Aged: A Critical Review and Synthesis
  109. The structure and relationship of college women's primary abilities and vocational interests
  110. Ethical Practice of Psychological Consultation
  111. Should industrial/organizational psychologists be licensed?
  112. Users and “teasers”: Failure to follow through with initial mental health service inquiries in a child and family treatment center
  113. Psychometric Characteristics of a Vocational Preference Inventory Short Form
  114. Teaching Individual Differences
  115. Collaboration in Work Settings: Significant Omissions
  116. Integrating interest, ability, and personality data.
  117. Multicultural and international issues in consulting psychology.
  118. Ethical and professional standards in the practice of consulting psychology.
  119. The work of consulting psychologists.
  120. Consulting at the individual level.
  121. Consulting at the organizational level.
  122. Consulting at the group and team level.
  123. The road ahead.
  124. Case 46: Practice of I/O psychology by a clinical psychologist.
  125. Case 46. Practice of I/O Psychology by a Clinical Psychologist.
  126. Case 16. The Ethical Costs of Implementing New Technology.
  127. Case 56: Plagiarizing.
  128. Case 45: Training requirements in I/O psychology.
  129. Case 45. Training Requirements in I/O Psychology.
  130. Case 56. Plagiarizing.
  131. Case 35: Research responsibilities.
  132. Case 14: Layoff Notifications.
  133. Case 1: Assessment Techniques.
  134. Case 40: Publication credit.
  135. Case 57: Evaluating colleagues' competencies.
  136. Case 51: Making public statements.
  137. Case 35. Research Responsibilities.
  138. Case 61: When romance fails.
  139. Case 14. Layoff Notifications.
  140. Case 32: Avoiding Dual Relationships.
  141. Case 3: Test Validation Strategies.
  142. Internationalizing multiculturalism: Major themes and wrapping up.
  143. Ethical Issues in Psychological Consultation
  144. The clinical assessment of vocational interests.
  145. Introduction.
  146. Abilities.
  147. Measuring personal characteristics.
  148. Client feedback and report preparation.