All Stories

  1. Status of public policy for material efficiency as a way to reduce GHG emissions
  2. Analysis of eco-modulation in extended producer responsibility
  3. Assessing Energy and Climate Effects of Digitalization: Methodological Challenges and Key Recommendations
  4. Policy for Material Efficiency: Enabling New Climate Change Mitigation Strategies
  5. Winners of the 2020 Graedel prizes: The Journal of Industrial Ecology best paper prizes
  6. Material efficiency for climate change mitigation
  7. Winners of the 2019 Graedel Prizes: The Journal of Industrial Ecology Best Paper Prizes
  8. Winners of the 2018 Graedel Prizes: The Journal of Industrial Ecology best paper prizes
  9. Introduction to special feature on "Taking the Circular Economy to the Next Level"
  10. Winners of the 2017 Graedel Prizes: The Journal of Industrial Ecology Best Paper Prizes
  11. Industrial Ecology
  12. Increasing Transparency of Data Used in Industrial Ecology Research
  13. Varieties of business models for post-consumer recycling in China
  14. Charting the Future of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: A Special Issue
  15. Winners of the 2016 Graedel Prizes: The Journal of Industrial Ecology Best Paper Prizes
  16. What is the relationship between3D printing and industrial ecology?
  17. Charting the Environmental Dimensions of Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing
  18. Environmental Dimensions of Additive Manufacturing: Mapping Application Domains and Their Environmental Implications
  19. Taking the Circularity to the Next Level: A Special Issue on the Circular Economy
  20. Winners of the 2015 Graedel Prizes: TheJIEBest Paper Prizes
  21. 10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.91023-7
  22. Winners of the 2014 Graedel Prizes: TheJIEBest Paper Prizes
  23. Introducing First Winners of the Graedel Prize: The JIE Best Paper Prizes
  24. Complexity in Industrial Ecology: Models, Analysis, and Actions
  25. The Next Step in the Evolution of theJournal of Industrial Ecology: Online-Only Publication
  26. Industrial Ecology
  27. Speaking Industrial Ecology
  28. What Roles for Which Stakeholders under Extended Producer Responsibility?
  29. Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing
  30. Life Cycle Assessment
  31. Frontiers in Footprinting
  32. Open Access and theJournal of Industrial Ecology
  33. Op Ed -- Leveling the Playing Field: Making Interdisciplinary Environmental Research Available
  34. Extended Producer Responsibility
  35. Material efficiency in a multi-material world
  36. Raising the Bar for Symbiosis, Life Cycle Assessment, and Material Flow Analysis Case Studies
  37. Implementing Individual Producer Responsibility for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment through Improved Financing
  38. Toward Meta-Analysis in Life Cycle Assessment
  39. Metal lost and found: Dissipative uses and releases of copper in the United States 1975–2000
  40. Indications of Progress
  41. Industrial Ecology: Business Management in a Material World
  42. Role of Forest Products in the Global Carbon Cycle: From the Forest to Final Disposal
  43. Moving Beyond Eco-efficiency
  44. Teaching industrial ecology and environmental management in Second Life
  45. CrossCheck
  46. Setting Out and Sorting Out Boundaries in the Journal of Industrial Ecology
  47. Life-cycle assessment of biofuels, convergence and divergence
  48. Waste Valorization, Loop-Closing, and Industrial Ecology
  49. The Least Publishable Unit
  50. Individual Producer Responsibility: A Review of Practical Approaches to Implementing Individual Producer Responsibility for the WEEE Directive
  51. An Embarrassment of Riches
  52. Post Script to the Corn Ethanol Debate
  53. Assessing Corn Ethanol
  54. The Indirect Effects of Industrial Ecology
  55. Beyond the Green Bubble
  56. Industrial Ecology in the Age of Input-Output Analysis
  57. Good News, Sad News, and More Transitions
  58. Producer Responsibility at a Turning Point?
  59. Cement, Yogurt, and Mercury
  60. Good News
  61. Reaching Out But Staying Connected
  62. Differing Approaches to Energy Flow Accounting
  63. Metamorphosis of the Journal of Industrial Ecology
  64. International copper flow network: A blockmodel analysis
  65. Dining at the Periodic Table:  Metals Concentrations as They Relate to Recycling
  66. Recycling and incineration: Evaluating the choices, edited by Richard Dennison and John Ruston. Washington, DC: Island Press, 1990, 309 pp
  67. Rush to Burn: Solving America's Garbage Crisis? by Newsday Staff. Washington, DC: Island Press, 1989, 252 pp. Price: $22.95 cloth, $14.95 paper
  68. Facing America's trash: What next for municipal solid waste? U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. OTA-0-424. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989
  69. Reaching Out But Staying Connected
  70. Industrial Ecology and Life Cycle Assessment: What´s the Use?
  71. Industrial Ecology and Public Policy
  72. The Multilevel Cycle of Anthropogenic Zinc
  73. Contemporary Anthropogenic Silver Cycle:  A Multilevel Analysis
  74. Conserving Scholarly Resources
  75. Extended Producer Responsibility in China: Where Is "Best Practice"?
  76. Probing Metabolism
  77. Multilevel Cycle of Anthropogenic Copper
  78. Where is all the zinc going: The stocks and flows project, Part 2
  79. The copper cycles of European countries
  80. The characterization of technological zinc cycles
  81. Seven Years and Still Growing
  82. Can We Take the Concept of Individual Producer Responsibility from Theory to Practice?
  83. Industrial Ecology: Policy Potential and Research Needs
  84. Patterns and Paradoxes
  85. Where has all the copper gone: The stocks and flows project, part 1
  86. The contemporary European copper cycle: The characterization of technological copper cycles
  87. Leveling the Playing Field.
  88. Closing the Loop and Honing Our Tools
  89. Trust, but Verify
  90. Save a Tree, Grow a Journal
  91. Moving from Products to Services
  92. FullAccounting
  93. Moving from Mass to What Matters
  94. Environmentally Conscious Engineering and Eco-Design. Industrial Ecology: Building a Framework for Eco-Design and Life Cycle Assessment.
  95. Transitions and Appreciation
  96. Does Leasing Improve End of Product Life Management?
  97. A Lively and Productive Ferment
  98. Why Industrial Ecology?
  99. Getting the Goal Right: EPR and DfE
  100. Making Connections
  101. A Glimmer of Success EPR and the Electronic Data Log
  102. On Becoming an Industrial Ecologist
  103. Setting the Boundaries?
  104. A Metaphor, a Field, and a Journal
  105. Why Industrial Ecology?
  106. Examining the Industrial Ecology of a Renewable Resource
  107. Introduction to the Roundtable on the Industrial Ecology of Pulp and Paper
  108. Relating Industry to Ecology
  109. What's in a Name: Producer or Product Responsibility?
  110. War on Waste: Can America Win Its Battle with Garbage?
  111. The politics of risk assessment
  112. Industrial ecology: goals and definitions