All Stories

  1. Role of Cellular Senescence in Type II Diabetes
  2. An aged immune system drives senescence and ageing of solid organs
  3. Adenoviral gene transfer of a single-chain IL-23 induces psoriatic arthritis–like symptoms in NOD mice
  4. NF-B expansion of myeloid derived suppressor cells
  5. Quantitative Analysis of Cellular Senescence in Culture and In Vivo
  6. IL-Y suppresses diabetes in NOD mice
  7. Expression of IL-2 in β cells by AAV8 gene transfer in pre-diabetic NOD mice prevents diabetes through activation of FoxP3-positive regulatory T cells
  8. Dysregulation of Thymic Clonal Deletion and the Escape of Autoreactive T Cells
  9. MerTK regulates thymic selection of autoreactive T cells
  10. MerTK is required for apoptotic cell–induced T cell tolerance
  11. IFN-γ Negatively Regulates CpG-Induced IL-10 in Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells
  12. Dendritic Cell Immunotherapy for Autoimmune Diabetes
  13. Separation of proteins with a molecular mass difference of 2 kDa utilizing preparative double-inverted gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nonreducing conditions: Application to the isolation of 24 kDa human growth hormone
  14. In vivo imaging platform for tracking immunotherapeutic cells
  15. Biochemistry and pharmacology of rabbit cardiac growth hormone (GH) receptors
  16. Divalent metal cation chelators enhance chromatographic separation of structurally similar macromolecules: separation of human growth hormone isoforms
  17. High-Resolution Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Carbohydrates Derivatized with a Visible Dye