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  1. Intraspecific mitochondrial gene variation can be as low as that of nuclear rRNA
  2. The complete mitochondrial genome of Africa's largest freshwater copepod, Lovenula raynerae
  3. The complete mitogenome of the springtail Cryptopygus antarcticus travei provides evidence for speciation in the Sub-Antarctic region
  4. The complete mitogenome of the springtail Tullbergia bisetosa: a subterranean springtail from the sub-Antarctic region
  5. Genomic resources for the spotted ragged-tooth shark Carcharias taurus
  6. The complete mitogenome of Isotomurus maculatus: a widespread species that is invading the sub-Antarctic region
  7. Mitochondrial DNA sequences should not be used to test for isolation by geographic distance
  8. Life-histories explain the conservation status of two estuary-associated pipefishes
  9. Seahorse conservation can benefit from translocations
  10. Oceanography promotes self-recruitment in a planktonic larval disperser
  11. Have we been estimating gene flow incorrectly?
  12. Ascidians are not (always) great marine invaders
  13. Near-shore currents are important in connecting marine populations
  14. The subspecies of Antarctic Terns (Sterna vittata) wintering on the South African coast: evidence from morphology, genetics and stable isotopes
  15. Connectivity in solitary ascidians: Is a 24-h propagule duration sufficient to maintain large-scale genetic homogeneity?
  16. Thermal adaptation linked to biogeographic regions
  17. Using genetics to distinguish marine invaders from previously overlooked native species
  18. Mitonuclear discordance in genetic structure across the Atlantic/Indian Ocean biogeographical transition zone
  19. Cryptic diversity in coastal Australasia: a morphological and mitonuclear genetic analysis of habitat-forming sibling species
  20. Marine dispersal and barriers drive Atlantic seahorse diversification
  21. Maternally inherited mtDNA contains information about males - but only for the present generation.
  22. Climate-driven genetic divergence of limpets with different life histories across a southeast African marine biogeographic disjunction: different processes, same outcome
  23. Southern African marine phylogeography
  24. "Nested" cryptic diversity in a widespread marine ecosystem engineer: a challenge for detecting biological invasions
  25. Isolation and characterisation of microsatellite loci in the Australian freshwater catfish (Tandanus tandanus)
  26. Tri-locus sequence data reject a “Gondwanan origin hypothesis” for the African/South Pacific crab genus Hymenosoma
  27. Microsatellite markers for the roman,Chrysoblephus laticeps(Teleostei: Sparidae), an overexploited seabream from South Africa
  28. Intron-spanning primers for the amplification of the nuclear ANT gene in decapod crustaceans
  29. Genetic characterization of native and introduced populations of the neotropical cichlid genus Cichla in Brazil
  30. Molecular dating and biogeography of the neritic krill Nyctiphanes
  31. Oceanic dispersal barriers, adaptation and larval retention: an interdisciplinary assessment of potential factors maintaining a phylogeographic break between sister lineages of an African prawn
  32. Climate Change, Genetics or Human Choice: Why Were the Shells of Mankind's Earliest Ornament Larger in the Pleistocene Than in the Holocene?
  33. Does the endangered Knysna seahorse, Hippocampus capensis, have a preference for aquatic vegetation type, cover or height?
  34. Does the endangered Knysna seahorse, Hippocampus capensis, have a preference for aquatic vegetation type, cover or height?
  35. Isolation of microsatellite markers for the endangered Knysna seahorseHippocampus capensisand their use in the detection of a genetic bottleneck
  36. Hippocampus queenslandicusHorne, 2001 – a new seahorse species or yet another synonym?
  37. Signatures of seaway closures and founder dispersal in the phylogeny of a circumglobally distributed seahorse lineage
  38. The distribution and abundance of the endangered Knysna seahorseHippocampus capensis(Pisces: Syngnathidae) in South African estuaries
  39. Molecular evidence for long-distance colonization in an Indo-Pacific seahorse lineage
  40. The evolutionary history of seahorses (Syngnathidae: Hippocampus): molecular data suggest a West Pacific origin and two invasions of the Atlantic Ocean
  41. Population genetics of the endangered Knysna seahorse, Hippocampus capensis
  42. What limits the distribution of subtidal macrobenthos in permanently open and temporarily open/closed South African estuaries? Salinity vs. sediment particle size